Very rarely listen to him anymore. He is a poor interviewer, talks over callers and guests. He has gotten lazy over the years.
Not worth my time, most of the time.
Why would he stiff the school. Has to be a story behind that. Anybody know ?

Maybe had too much wine when he announced the scholarship in his late mother's name and had buyers remorse the morning after?

It's a real crappy thing to do.

I'd love for someone to call in and take him to task with this one, but he has such a huge delay on the show it would never make it to air.

He's a windbag and an embarrassment to the University.
some idiot called in yesterday and I think he said he was an alum, and then alluded to "why would St John's hire Mullin given his terrible background/character"? Mike let him say this. Then he pushed the guy, who said something about his bad stuff in the mid -90's, he claimed he witnessed "this stuff", alluded to drugs. Francesa let's him say that and then adds, that he knew Mullin had "issues" a long time ago, but that he didn't think that he committed any bad acts. etc. Doing drugs many years ago wouldn't/shouldn't disqualify him.

To his credit he didn't let the guy keep on with these asinine insinuations. He said he would only let the guy say what it was if he gave his name address and tel number not anonymously.

It was a very disturbing phone call, and Francesa could have handled it much better.

Later on he said, I used to be very connected to St John's that ended 7-8 years ago. Now I am not connected to St John's at all. I won't go into why it doesn't matter.

Mike had a huge falling out with Harrington and hated his guts. There is so much more to the rumored scholarship issue, and Harrington and his cronies hands are all over it. Francesa stopped supporting the school because of him.
Mike had a huge falling out with Harrington and hated his guts. There is so much more to the rumored scholarship issue, and Harrington and his cronies hands are all over it. Francesa stopped supporting the school because of him.

A lot of us felt Father Harrington was a very poor President for a number of reasons that most posters are familiar with

Holding that against Francesa isn't fair .. Father Harrington's history, especially in the last few years would make a great story but, many of the details will never see the light of day.. Or, a COURTROOM..
Said it before, Harrington should be sitting in a jail cell right now for what he did to my alma mater. But instead, he's allowed to retire to a villa, all expenses paid. That whole episode really made me think twice about $$ contributions that I would give every year. Not big $$ anyway, but didn't like the way they handled it, letting Harrington run a criminal enterprise under their noses.