No way Pointer should be flipping anyone the bird. An athlete will always be held to a higher standard. If the game was still underway he would have been t'd up and maybe ejected. If the coaches become aware and he actually did this, he will be lectured to.
In terms of their fans, many on here have defended that a fan can yell whatever he wants, to whomever he feels like yelling it to, because he bought a ticket. Some even argue that if whatever you yell gets into a player's head and causes him to perform badly, it's not only allowable, but part of what a fan should do.
When you see an opposing team's fans act that way it's a whole different story apparently. It would be nice if this dopey kid had someone he respects greatly, maybe a parent or his pastor, see it on TV. In any event, the kid did nothing but help embararrass himself and his school on national TV. Of course, had Harrison reacted the way he might have on the schoolyard or on the street, the kid would have crapped his pants running away.
There have always been and will always be hostile places to visit to play a sport. Isn't that where the term cagers comes from - fences built to keep hostile fans from the players?