otis" post=423050 said:
BrookJersey Redmen" post=422917 said:
......................... the % of pedofiles among Catholic Priests mirrors pretty closely the % in Protestant clergy, Boy Scouts, Rabbis, teachers, coaches, etc., etc. Power position people and youths, so the Catholic Church has a lot of company when it comes to rooting out this horrible evil. It is just the Catholic Church is one centralized place and these others are many times de-centralized, one or two-off places so it stays out of the limelight.
Interesting to note, nuns .......
No one should attempt to trivialize or defend the decades of failings and crimes of the Catholic Church and its priests by deflecting that "the % of pedophiles among Catholic Priests mirrors pretty closely the % in Protestant clergy, Boy Scouts, Rabbis, teachers, coaches, etc., etc." .
The undisputable fact is that the Catholic Church in many cases knew the abuse was being committed by certain individuals and it did nothing to stop it, and in many cases merely transferred the abusing priest to another unsuspecting parish. That is undefendable.
Please take a moment to read the below database that details priests who were transferred for parish to parish after the Diocese knew or had reason that the priest had committed crimes. There is absolutely no defense for the Catholic Church hierarchy turning a blind eye to child abuse and attempting to "rehabilitate" an abused.
Oh, interesting to note about nuns .... every Order of Nuns I am aware of requires its members to take a vow of poverty. Most (not all) Orders of Priests do not require its members to take a vow of Poverty. Interesting.
In no way are the actions of the Catholic Church defensible. As an active Catholic with decades of church related ministries, I am outspoken as anyone that Bishops who acted in concert in moving around predator priests should be held accountable criminally. I am not so sure about the civil part, since those funds come from innocent donors and not from any earnings by clergy.
That being said, too many people have used this issue to vent their hatred against the church that exists for other reasons. Those reasons are numerous - their own lack of faith, church moral teachings they disagree with, a bad expereince in Catholic grammar school. The list is extensive.
I have my own contempt for how the church handled these cases, but I also have contempt for any persons who used the trust that their position inures - a teacher, a coach, a group leader such as scouts, any clergy, a law officer, a poltician, an employer - as particularly evil and egregious.
It's absurd to single out the Catholic church, above say, Orthodox Judaism, who even in this day and age, laypeople are ordered to bring these complaints to a rabbi (who may be the offender) and not into our criminal justice system. This is far more egregious, where communities protect Orthodox Jewish leaders by their silence and support when he is accused.
This does not dilute my anger at how the Catholic Church dealt with this one bit. But to focus your attempt solely on the church, even members of the clergy who were completely innocent, is playing into the hands of those who want to destroy religion in this country.
As an aside I know a well respected detective in the Bronx, whose captain gave him a ton of accusation cases to investigate, telling him, "Here, you're a good Catholic boy, these are yours." He said the overhwelming number of accusations he investigated were ridiculously false accusations, where the victims could not make a reasonable accusation, even considering the blocking that victims often suffer. (had to say that for Fuchsia's sake).
You are certainly entitled to your opinion based on your experiences with the church. As you know, I attended Catholic school from 1st grade through college. I also attended Catholic summer camp with the Marist brothers. My experiences were mostly wonderful. I'm not the most devout catholic, according to the teaching, but IMO being a good person is far more important than being a "good Catholic". I'd like to think I'm a good person. Having said all of this, as it relates to abuse in the church, as far as I'm concerned, priests fell in to a few different categories:
-those who did the molesting
-those who covered for those who did the molesting
-those who knew about it first hand and did nothing
-those who heard about it second hand, etc and did nothing
That's it. There is no one else. And that goes from the bottom to the top(The Vatican). I have enough close friends who have witnessed things and been told things from credible sources within the Jesuit community to feel extremely confident of my position. As I said to my 88 year old Mother yesterday "the fact that I've lost faith in Catholic Priests, does not mean that I've lost faith in God or in the Catholic Church as an institution. I can still sit in church, pray and and feel at one with God, and at the same time not want to be lectured by a priest". I don't need a Catholic priest telling me how to live my life. I didn't need it in high school, and I most certainly don't need it now. But that's me. I'm not criticizing anyone who does. To each his own.