I wanted to gather my thoughts before replying to you. You are without a doubt one of the really good men that post here, one that makes me proud of the SJU community that I'm a part of.
The loss of a child, who took so few breaths in this world, and whose parents and grandparents waited for so anxiously, is devastating.
When my wife was pregnant with our second child later in the second trimester, she awoke in the middle of the night, realizing she was bleeding. We immediately called her OB/Gyn physician, who advised her to get dressed and he would meet us at the hospital. As my wife went to the bathroom to get cleaned up and dressed, he told me to stay on the phone, and prepared me that we almost certainly had lost the baby. My heart sank with a sense of loss, and as we drove to the hospital struggled for what to say to my wife, who still did not know. My wife has a medical background, if not for life's circumstances would have gone to med school I am certain, and I'm also certain she knew the unspoken truth.
Minutes dragged on and I silently mourned the loss of our child who had never draw a breath in this world, and how God had shortchanged her. Strangely, I didn't mourn our loss, and all my thoughts were with this baby in the womb. Not for some mass of cells, but for this unborn child. I was beyond sad, but also prepared myself to support my wife when the horrible news was delivered.
We were rushed into the emergency room and while we waited for the doctor, a sonogram technician came in to do the routine as per the doctor's instructions - confirm that there was no heartbeat and that we had lost the child.
In an instant, elated, the technician burst out, "I hear a heartbeat!! It's STRONG". She continued to move the sonogram wand with that awfully cold jelly that put on my wife's abdomen. "Look!", she cried out, "The baby is moving around! I think it's fine!"
Immediately, from the depths of sadness, I was overjoyed to tears. The baby looked like one of those monkeys between two sticks that they used to sell at the circus, moving around like a tiny acrobat. The doctor came in and after examining my wife and confirming the good news, explained that there was likely some minor tearing on the placenta that caused the bleeding, but it had stopped.
Tony, I tell you this story, not to contrast your grandchild's bad fortune with our positive outcome, but to express just how precious human life is, even at 2 weeks, even in the womb. I know your loss is profound and deep. I also have faith that there will be better days ahead, with God's grace maybe a slew of grandchildren.
If it brings any solace to you, I'm reminded of a song by Seals and Crofts, "Wayland the rabbit". It's about a boy walking with his father and encounters a dead rabbit frozen in the woods. You can find the lyrics on line. The song stayed with me all these years. Sometimes there is God's mercy in the taking of an ill child so young. I know it's gross rationalization, but I'm guessing your family has thought about this also.
God bless you and your family, and I apologize for any unintended pain this post may cause you. Trust that I only posted it in support, and you and your family remain in my prayers for healing, and that your grandchild is at this moment in God's comfort and care in His kingdom.