The Worst Post Ever.

Very sad. My prayers go out for Paul and his family.

Like all of us, I'm grateful for Paul's innovation, leadership and commitment in creating this community. I'm also glad that his legacy will live on. I hope his family know how much his work means to all of us. He'll be missed...
I had several conversations with him privately, and he was always even-keeled throughout our discussions. I'm crestfallen to hear the news of his passing and give my sincere condolences to his family and friends.

RIP PMass (as I regularly called him).
While I never met Paul in person, we had many conversations through texts and redfans messages. One of his sons came to my house and interviewed Lamont Hamilton.

Paul was always a perfect gentleman. Redfans has become more than a basketball site for me.

Condolences to his family and love and appreciation for all that Paul has contributed to the St John's community.

Would like to encourage everyone to contribute whatever they can to ease the financial burden on his family.

Peace and Blessings
I never had the chance to meet Paul, just knew him as the owner of this great site, who was extremely accessible whenever I needed help or had a site question.

I can say without a doubt in my mind that throughout my lifetime, I’ve spent more time on redmen/redfans than any other website. Truthfully there’s probably not close second. And for a kid whose childhood went by without ever meeting another St. John’s fan in person, and even questioned the possibility that others existed, Redmen gave me a place for that fandom to be real. I couldn’t imagine my life without this site. Days upon days of boring classes, slow work weeks, and sick days, aided by the one constant place I had to talk, share, and learn about the one thing I never got bored with: St. John’s Basketball.

Thank you so much for everything Paul, and may you rest in peace!
Another thing about Paul. He singlehandedly is responsible for thousands if not 10000 or more friendships being created over the years from this site
This was going to be the gist of my message here.

I used to be a lurker then started posting here and there. Always felt I knew people based on their posts and personalities.

Then posted more and more and then of course started meeting up with a few guys and then boom many more.

I have definitely developed what I call at least 20 very nice friendships at least now and I’m sure that will continue to grow.

All that does not happen without Paul’s creation here. And not to mention a place to talk about the college basketball team I have loved since the early 80’s.

Rest in peace Paul. Condolences to his family and all that have a connection with him.
May Paul soar on wings like eagles; may he run and not grow weary, may he walk and not be faint. His suffering and pain is gone. Rest in peace good and faithful servant.

Paul’s family and friends are in my prayers. May God’s love and grace provide them with strength and comfort during this difficult time.