The Worst Post Ever.


Staff member
2023 $upporter Moderator
I am sick to have to let you all know that the family just advised that Paul passed 30 minutes ago.
May he rest in peace and may his family be comforted in their sorrow.
Should I or Mjmaherjr receive further information about funeral, wake or anything else pertinent rest assured we will post same.
Rest in peace my dear friend Paul your horrible suffering has ended.
You will never be forgotten and will always be cherished.
I am sick to have to let you all know that the family just advised that Paul passed 30 minutes ago.
May he rest in peace and may his family be comforted in their sorrow.
Should I or Mjmaherjr receive further information about funeral, wake or anything else pertinent rest assured we will post same.
Rest in peace my dear friend Paul your horrible suffering has ended.
You will never be forgotten and will always be cherished.
RIP Paul
I am sick to have to let you all know that the family just advised that Paul passed 30 minutes ago.
May he rest in peace and may his family be comforted in their sorrow.
Should I or Mjmaherjr receive further information about funeral, wake or anything else pertinent rest assured we will post same.
Rest in peace my dear friend Paul your horrible suffering has ended.
You will never be forgotten and will always be cherished.
Just terrible. A huge loss. 💔💔💔💔💔 May this great man RIP. Heartfelt condolences to Paul's family and friends, including everyone on this board who got to know Paul over the years. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Paul was basically the creator and founder and father of St John’s Basketball fandom on the internet. I think it’s safe to say not 1 person did more than Paul for St John’s Basketball fandom. Most influential fan ever

RIP My Friend

I spoke to Max his son and as soon as they have funeral info he will let me know. The family is very grateful for all the help we’ve given them so far. Will he enough to probably cover the funeral expenses
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Max also wanted me to give a message today to everyone. Redfans will GO ON ! Max and his brother Paul are web developers and will run the site. This is what his dad wanted. This is his legacy and gift to us all. After the funeral when things slow down for the family any questions send them through the site just like you would have
RIP pmassell, the founder and host of who almost singlehandedly created a unique online community when other programs were still on AOL or Yahoo group chats. He retained that independence when Rivals and other big companies tried to snatch up every college bball program's message board.

What a legacy he left and what a joy he gave to all of us.
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To say Paul was the pillar of this particular community is an understatement. He built our virtual community center. By all accounts he was a great guy and a good man. The world has become a colder place with his passing, and he will be missed by many people who never had the privilege of making his acquaintance. I will continue to pray for him and his family.

Death leaves a heartache
no one can heal;
Love leaves a memory
no one can steal.

RIP and Godspeed
Condolences to Paul's family. Sorry I never met him, but corresponded with him a few times and became a fan. Thankfully his memory will live on through this site which has become an essential part of my life (others too I'm sure). HUGE loss.
I heard the news from Kay this morning and didn't see the thread here. I have to gather my thoughts to articulate everything I feel. I'm very sad but knew he was confronting a horrible disease that rarely loses. God bless Paul's soul as he is welcomed into a new life promised to him, and thank Paul for his friendship.
Never had the opportunity to meet or converse with Paul, but the love he got from all those who did is truly impressive. Praying for all his family and friends in their time of deep sorrow and may they take solace in all their wonderful memories of Paul. Also wishing Paul peace and joy in his next journey.
God bless Paul and his family. In several email interactions with him over the many years, he was a gentleman and nicest person who shared his unparalleled love of St John’s and St John’s basketball with all of us. Those of us who believe have a hope that we’ll see him again on the other side. Prayers and sincere condolences to Paul’s family and his friends and loved ones. God bless.
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