Tailgating/Selling Beer at Carnesecca

As usual, the left's grasp of history is selective and quite limited. The Carib tribe that the Columbus expeditions victimized were the dominant tribe in the island region having killed, enslaved and cannibalized other tribes, such as the Taino.
Slavery was practiced by every race and every race was victimized. Hundreds of thousands of Europeans were abducted and enslaved by Arab, Berber and Black Africans Barbary Pirates during the 18th and 19th centuries. Arguably, the most prolific slave taking and trading was done by Asians, from the time of the Huns through the epic invasions of the Mongols and Timur, where countless Asians and Europeans were killed and enslaved.

There were between 1 million and 3 million Tainos when Columbus arrived. Fifty years later, when he was done with all his kidnapping and raping, there about 200 left.

Globes existed before his initial voyage. And he never landed on U.S. shores. Nothing about him taught in schools is true, so why do people keep clinging to him as a hero? Surely Italians must have someone else to worship.
Yes because Italians had the power to dictate what was taught and written in American schoolbooks for centuries. Why just look at all the Italian Presidents in American history. As to your suggestion to find someone else to worship we tried, Frederico Mussini, but Fun put the kibosh on that one too.
As usual, the left's grasp of history is selective and quite limited. The Carib tribe that the Columbus expeditions victimized were the dominant tribe in the island region having killed, enslaved and cannibalized other tribes, such as the Taino.
Slavery was practiced by every race and every race was victimized. Hundreds of thousands of Europeans were abducted and enslaved by Arab, Berber and Black Africans Barbary Pirates during the 18th and 19th centuries. Arguably, the most prolific slave taking and trading was done by Asians, from the time of the Huns through the epic invasions of the Mongols and Timur, where countless Asians and Europeans were killed and enslaved.

There were between 1 million and 3 million Tainos when Columbus arrived. Fifty years later, when he was done with all his kidnapping and raping, there about 200 left.

Globes existed before his initial voyage. And he never landed on U.S. shores. Nothing about him taught in schools is true, so why do people keep clinging to him as a hero? Surely Italians must have someone else to worship.

Thanks for the fake history lesson. Historians have liberally exaggerated the atrocities of both Columbus and the Spanish in their colonization of the "new world".
There were never 3 million Tainos. The most realistic estimates are around 300,000. Columbus and his few hundred fortune seekers didn't possess weapons of mass destruction. Most of the natives died of disease introduced by the sailor's interaction with the natives.
Columbus made 4 voyages and spent less than 10 years of his life in the new world. Most of the atrocities came many years after his death, including the enslavement of Africans by the Portuguese and British "pioneers" who came to feast on Spain's claim to the western hemisphere.
The negativity surrounding Columbus Day in recent years is another attempt by liberal left-leaning historians, mostly of the Anglo-Saxon background, to resurrect the Black Legend which uses subjective historical writing or propaganda that demonizes Spain, its people and its culture in an intentional attempt to damage its reputation, and uses Christopher Columbus as its whipping boy.

You say "surely Italians must have someone else to worship". No Italians "worship" Columbus! The discovery of the Americas isn't even celebrated in Italy. Italian-Americans see it merely as a day to recognize Italian achievements and their culture.
Many of the latter day saints condemning him should try to visualize their existence had Columbus sailed south instead of west in search of riches for the Spanish Crown.
Most of them would likely have descended into the agrarian servitude of their ancestors in Germany, England, Ireland, Italy and other European monarchies of the times following Columbus.
On a positive note, there likely would not have been an African slave market for cotton. Then again, almost all the African slaves were captured by other Africans and likely would have been traded with other African tribes. As a result, many of the jock strap, young black teen worshipping basketball crazies on this site would likely be still wrestling in the nude in Europe.
Millions of indigenous people would not have died of smallpox, syphilis and infuenza. They would have continued to conquer and subjugate each other and cutting heads off in ceremonies at Chichen Itza.
Asians would not be getting an Ivy League education and out numbering Caucasians at Berkeley, Harvard and Stanford.
Then again let's all jump on the latest causes du jour!
Screw Columbus!
Rename Columbia University. Rename the country of Colombia! Let's rename the capitals of Ohio and South Carolina!
Let's rename the District of Columbia. Ban the Knights of Columbus!
While we are at it, let's rename America. Amerigio Vespucci who???
Let's rewrite history!
Let's pretend Islam was always the religion of peace as Mohammed conquered by the sword and converted the infidels.
Finally, let's close all Christian schools and universities as they are the product of Columbus and his Jesuit missionaries that followed to enslave the noble indigenous people.
Indigenous Lives Mattered!!!!!
As usual, the left's grasp of history is selective and quite limited. The Carib tribe that the Columbus expeditions victimized were the dominant tribe in the island region having killed, enslaved and cannibalized other tribes, such as the Taino.
Slavery was practiced by every race and every race was victimized. Hundreds of thousands of Europeans were abducted and enslaved by Arab, Berber and Black Africans Barbary Pirates during the 18th and 19th centuries. Arguably, the most prolific slave taking and trading was done by Asians, from the time of the Huns through the epic invasions of the Mongols and Timur, where countless Asians and Europeans were killed and enslaved.

There were between 1 million and 3 million Tainos when Columbus arrived. Fifty years later, when he was done with all his kidnapping and raping, there about 200 left.

Globes existed before his initial voyage. And he never landed on U.S. shores. Nothing about him taught in schools is true, so why do people keep clinging to him as a hero? Surely Italians must have someone else to worship.

Thanks for the fake history lesson. Historians have liberally exaggerated the atrocities of both Columbus and the Spanish in their colonization of the "new world".
There were never 3 million Tainos. The most realistic estimates are around 300,000. Columbus and his few hundred fortune seekers didn't possess weapons of mass destruction. Most of the natives died of disease introduced by the sailor's interaction with the natives.
Columbus made 4 voyages and spent less than 10 years of his life in the new world. Most of the atrocities came many years after his death, including the enslavement of Africans by the Portuguese and British "pioneers" who came to feast on Spain's claim to the western hemisphere.
The negativity surrounding Columbus Day in recent years is another attempt by liberal left-leaning historians, mostly of the Anglo-Saxon background, to resurrect the Black Legend which uses subjective historical writing or propaganda that demonizes Spain, its people and its culture in an intentional attempt to damage its reputation, and uses Christopher Columbus as its whipping boy.

You say "surely Italians must have someone else to worship". No Italians "worship" Columbus! The discovery of the Americas isn't even celebrated in Italy. Italian-Americans see it merely as a day to recognize Italian achievements and their culture.
Many of the latter day saints condemning him should try to visualize their existence had Columbus sailed south instead of west in search of riches for the Spanish Crown.
Most of them would likely have descended into the agrarian servitude of their ancestors in Germany, England, Ireland, Italy and other European monarchies of the times following Columbus.
On a positive note, there likely would not have been an African slave market for cotton. Then again, almost all the African slaves were captured by other Africans and likely would have been traded with other African tribes. As a result, many of the jock strap, young black teen worshipping basketball crazies on this site would likely be still wrestling in the nude in Europe.
Millions of indigenous people would not have died of smallpox, syphilis and infuenza. They would have continued to conquer and subjugate each other and cutting heads off in ceremonies at Chichen Itza.
Asians would not be getting an Ivy League education and out numbering Caucasians at Berkeley, Harvard and Stanford.
Then again let's all jump on the latest causes du jour!
Screw Columbus!
Rename Columbia University. Rename the country of Colombia! Let's rename the capitals of Ohio and South Carolina!
Let's rename the District of Columbia. Ban the Knights of Columbus!
While we are at it, let's rename America. Amerigio Vespucci who???
Let's rewrite history!
Let's pretend Islam was always the religion of peace as Mohammed conquered by the sword and converted the infidels.
Finally, let's close all Christian schools and universities as they are the product of Columbus and his Jesuit missionaries that followed to enslave the noble indigenous people.
Indigenous Lives Mattered!!!!!

If you only had an editor to keep you within the lines, some of your posts would be phenomenal. I read some points and say to myself, "Grest point, really well articulated", others that are outrageously funny, then in the same post I say "crap. He didn't really say that, did he?
There is nothing wrong with attempting to correct or modify established historical record, but when it is politically motivated, with incomplete scholarship and without context, or even a semblance of balance, then it ceases to be an arguable position and more resembles an adolescent tantrum.
As usual, the left's grasp of history is selective and quite limited. The Carib tribe that the Columbus expeditions victimized were the dominant tribe in the island region having killed, enslaved and cannibalized other tribes, such as the Taino.
Slavery was practiced by every race and every race was victimized. Hundreds of thousands of Europeans were abducted and enslaved by Arab, Berber and Black Africans Barbary Pirates during the 18th and 19th centuries. Arguably, the most prolific slave taking and trading was done by Asians, from the time of the Huns through the epic invasions of the Mongols and Timur, where countless Asians and Europeans were killed and enslaved.

There were between 1 million and 3 million Tainos when Columbus arrived. Fifty years later, when he was done with all his kidnapping and raping, there about 200 left.

Globes existed before his initial voyage. And he never landed on U.S. shores. Nothing about him taught in schools is true, so why do people keep clinging to him as a hero? Surely Italians must have someone else to worship.
Yes because Italians had the power to dictate what was taught and written in American schoolbooks for centuries. Why just look at all the Italian Presidents in American history. As to your suggestion to find someone else to worship we tried, Frederico Mussini, but Fun put the kibosh on that one too.

F Fun, I still worship him.
No wonder so many students need to find "causes" inspired by Internet memes, social media that is not social and other holier than thou bullshit artists who want to remove Christopher Columbus statues, remove Christ from Christmas and profess that one race's life matters more than others. ...

Actually, Black Lives Matter is about making sure other people of color are treated equally, as currently they are disproportionately stopped, searched and arrested illegally, but hey don't let facts get in the way of your rhetoric. Luckily for you, I hear the Red White (Supremacists) Club will be doing a promotional giveaway of hoods for a game this year.

Actually, BLM is not about "OTHER" people of color. If you took the time to read their mission statement that would be clear to a scholar like yourself.
"Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It is an affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression."

And nothing about that mission statement is incorrect. They do face deadly oppression when non-partisan studies have shown that people of color are disproportionately effected by police brutality/abuse of power. Glad to hear though that you know what it's like to be black, can walk a mile in their shoes and can delegitimize what they are feeling.

As for Christopher Columbus, here is the hero who you feel deserves a statue:

“While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me, and with whom, having taken her into my cabin, she being naked according to their custom, I conceived desire to take pleasure. I wanted to put my desire into execution but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that (to tell you the end of it all), I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears. Finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you that she seemed to have been brought up in a school of harlots.”

First, thanks for the " Fifty Shades of Juan Rabinowitz" , the Shephardic Jew who took his pleasure with that beautiful naked Carib woman and, as you described, became a sexual harlot after a few thrashes.
Which brings into discussion whether all the oppression you allude to would not have happened had it not been for your landsman in 1492.
Far be it for me to implicate the Jews as some of my closest friends are Jews but since you seem to associate Italian pride on Columbus Day with rape and oppression, here are some bits of historical facts for you to nosh on.

Spain to Give Sephardic Jews Special Place in Columbus Rites
Associated Press
MADRID — When Queen Isabella sent Christopher Columbus off to sea in 1492, she also expelled Jews from Spain. Now, as the 500th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of America nears, Spain is offering Sephardic Jews around the world a special place in the celebrations.

Sepharad is the Hebrew name for Spain. Sephardim are descendants of the people expelled by Queen Isabella, or those who follow Sephardic rites.

Special plans are being made for them during commemorations in 1992 of the 500th anniversary of Columbus' landfall in the Caribbean.

Spain's secretary of state for international cooperation, Luis Yanez, already has declared Toledo the "international capital of Sepharad-92," likening the ancient city to a "Sephardic Jerusalem."

Toledo, 40 miles south of Madrid, was the site of a flourishing Jewish community and a center of international learning in the 12th to 15th centuries.

The government decision puts Toledo on a par with Barcelona and Seville in importance in the observance of the anniversary's other main events--the Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona and the World's Fair in Seville.

The dual objective, Yanez said, is to make Toledo "a center of international pilgrimage," and "to publicize Spain's Jewish past both at home and abroad."

Samuel Toledano, leader of Spain's Jewish community, said the anniversary plans are of "great importance because it means the re-encounter of the new, democratic Spain with its Jewish past, before, during and after the fateful year of 1492."

"We plan to take an active part in studying all the events surrounding 1492," Toledano added. "On the one hand these events were the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, but on the other, they were the very important Jewish participation in the saga of the discovery and colonization of America."

Aug. 3, 1492, the day Columbus set sail from Palos, near Huelva, coincided with the deadline set for Jews to leave Spain, Toledano said.

The Jewish Cartographic School on the Mediterranean island of Majorca made the Italian-born sailor's voyage technically possible. And much of the money needed to finance the voyages was put up by Jewish financiers and advisers of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, Roman Catholics.

"A third of the crew members on the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria were Jews," Toledano said, "and that's not even getting into the historical controversy over whether Columbus himself was a Jew."

Oh stop with that, everyone knows that White European Christians not only invented slavery, but in the history of the world they are the only ones who have ever practiced it. No one else.
There is nothing wrong with attempting to correct or modify established historical record, but when it is politically motivated, with incomplete scholarship and without context, or even a semblance of balance, then it ceases to be an arguable position and more resembles an adolescent tantrum.

Or CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News
I'm out of the country not even five full days and you have all gone batshit crazy already. I'm the master of taking crap off topic but WTF is this about. The title is tailgating and beer. Beer is what we usually bring stuff off topic too :)
No wonder so many students need to find "causes" inspired by Internet memes, social media that is not social and other holier than thou bullshit artists who want to remove Christopher Columbus statues, remove Christ from Christmas and profess that one race's life matters more than others. ...

Actually, Black Lives Matter is about making sure other people of color are treated equally, as currently they are disproportionately stopped, searched and arrested illegally, but hey don't let facts get in the way of your rhetoric. Luckily for you, I hear the Red White (Supremacists) Club will be doing a promotional giveaway of hoods for a game this year.

Actually, BLM is not about "OTHER" people of color. If you took the time to read their mission statement that would be clear to a scholar like yourself.
"Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It is an affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression."

And nothing about that mission statement is incorrect. They do face deadly oppression when non-partisan studies have shown that people of color are disproportionately effected by police brutality/abuse of power. Glad to hear though that you know what it's like to be black, can walk a mile in their shoes and can delegitimize what they are feeling.

As for Christopher Columbus, here is the hero who you feel deserves a statue:

“While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me, and with whom, having taken her into my cabin, she being naked according to their custom, I conceived desire to take pleasure. I wanted to put my desire into execution but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that (to tell you the end of it all), I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears. Finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you that she seemed to have been brought up in a school of harlots.”

That was hot, thanks.

Question: do you think you'd have behaved differently than Columbus if you were born in the time of Columbus and like Columbus had had the balls to travel to the ends of the earth where there be monsters? Because I don't. Because we are all of us subject to our times. Which makes Columbus less a perpetrator than a victim. Besides which consider: if not for Columbus you would not be nearly as woke as you are. Because if everything you believe to be true is true - and it's not, unless you're the Christ - you have Columbus to thank for leading you to the enlightenment you've attained.

Agree with you Dr. Fun, but I wonder whether all this bashing of Mr. Columbus isn't part and parcel of a broader indoctrination ploy. The ploy that includes the self-loathing narrative ... by which i mean the process to increase the view of the past in contempt, and posit a reductionist view of patriarchy, class-conflict, genocide, racism, slavery, greed and white privilege. The narrative centers on shame of this country and a collective sense of guilt for its economic prowess, political freedoms and social progress. It even revs up hate of the hardworking men and women who bequeathed unparalleled prosperity and political freedoms now enjoyed. In turn it entails the advocacy of the destruction of monuments, renaming of schools, revision of textbooks and erasing of history deemed politically incorrect. The narrative, by promoting the cult of victimization and emasculation, demands mass cultural atonement for injustices that occurred well before any of us were born, and views all tradition – especially of the religious variety – as an impediment to progress.
No wonder so many students need to find "causes" inspired by Internet memes, social media that is not social and other holier than thou bullshit artists who want to remove Christopher Columbus statues, remove Christ from Christmas and profess that one race's life matters more than others. ...

Actually, Black Lives Matter is about making sure other people of color are treated equally, as currently they are disproportionately stopped, searched and arrested illegally, but hey don't let facts get in the way of your rhetoric. Luckily for you, I hear the Red White (Supremacists) Club will be doing a promotional giveaway of hoods for a game this year.

Actually, BLM is not about "OTHER" people of color. If you took the time to read their mission statement that would be clear to a scholar like yourself.
"Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It is an affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression."

And nothing about that mission statement is incorrect. They do face deadly oppression when non-partisan studies have shown that people of color are disproportionately effected by police brutality/abuse of power. Glad to hear though that you know what it's like to be black, can walk a mile in their shoes and can delegitimize what they are feeling.

As for Christopher Columbus, here is the hero who you feel deserves a statue:

“While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me, and with whom, having taken her into my cabin, she being naked according to their custom, I conceived desire to take pleasure. I wanted to put my desire into execution but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that (to tell you the end of it all), I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears. Finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you that she seemed to have been brought up in a school of harlots.”

That was hot, thanks.

Question: do you think you'd have behaved differently than Columbus if you were born in the time of Columbus and like Columbus had had the balls to travel to the ends of the earth where there be monsters? Because I don't. Because we are all of us subject to our times. Which makes Columbus less a perpetrator than a victim. Besides which consider: if not for Columbus you would not be nearly as woke as you are. Because if everything you believe to be true is true - and it's not, unless you're the Christ - you have Columbus to thank for leading you to the enlightenment you've attained.

Agree with you Dr. Fun, but I wonder whether all this bashing of Mr. Columbus isn't part and parcel of a broader indoctrination ploy. The ploy that includes the self-loathing narrative ... by which i mean the process to increase the view of the past in contempt, and posit a reductionist view of patriarchy, class-conflict, genocide, racism, slavery, greed and white privilege. The narrative centers on shame of this country and a collective sense of guilt for its economic prowess, political freedoms and social progress. It even revs up hate of the hardworking men and women who bequeathed unparalleled prosperity and political freedoms now enjoyed. In turn it entails the advocacy of the destruction of monuments, renaming of schools, revision of textbooks and erasing of history deemed politically incorrect. The narrative, by promoting the cult of victimization and emasculation, demands mass cultural atonement for injustices that occurred well before any of us were born, and views all tradition – especially of the religious variety – as an impediment to progress.

If only. If only it were self loathing, then these liberal phonies would see themselves accurately as loathsome. If only it was view as white privilege, then these liberal phonies would open up their homes to house homeless victims of racism, open up their wallets to contribute mightily to charitable causes assisting victims of white privilege. If only they themselves would date and marry people of marginalized racial and ethnic status to elevate the social status of their offspring. They tear down status because they think they are part of a movement that is producing positive results, as if smashing a statues of Robert E. Lee will turn the projects into luxury condos. They defame Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and even Columbus as if by doing so Tupac Shakur will be regarded in the same breath as Mozart. They are about self empowerment and giving one a false self of accomplishment. , At the end of the day, they go home to middle class homes or better, surrounded by white middle class neighbors, and share nothing in common, least of all offering a helping hand, to those they purport to be representing.
No wonder so many students need to find "causes" inspired by Internet memes, social media that is not social and other holier than thou bullshit artists who want to remove Christopher Columbus statues, remove Christ from Christmas and profess that one race's life matters more than others. ...

Actually, Black Lives Matter is about making sure other people of color are treated equally, as currently they are disproportionately stopped, searched and arrested illegally, but hey don't let facts get in the way of your rhetoric. Luckily for you, I hear the Red White (Supremacists) Club will be doing a promotional giveaway of hoods for a game this year.

Actually, BLM is not about "OTHER" people of color. If you took the time to read their mission statement that would be clear to a scholar like yourself.
"Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It is an affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression."

And nothing about that mission statement is incorrect. They do face deadly oppression when non-partisan studies have shown that people of color are disproportionately effected by police brutality/abuse of power. Glad to hear though that you know what it's like to be black, can walk a mile in their shoes and can delegitimize what they are feeling.

As for Christopher Columbus, here is the hero who you feel deserves a statue:

“While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me, and with whom, having taken her into my cabin, she being naked according to their custom, I conceived desire to take pleasure. I wanted to put my desire into execution but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that (to tell you the end of it all), I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears. Finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you that she seemed to have been brought up in a school of harlots.”

That was hot, thanks.

Question: do you think you'd have behaved differently than Columbus if you were born in the time of Columbus and like Columbus had had the balls to travel to the ends of the earth where there be monsters? Because I don't. Because we are all of us subject to our times. Which makes Columbus less a perpetrator than a victim. Besides which consider: if not for Columbus you would not be nearly as woke as you are. Because if everything you believe to be true is true - and it's not, unless you're the Christ - you have Columbus to thank for leading you to the enlightenment you've attained.

Agree with you Dr. Fun, but I wonder whether all this bashing of Mr. Columbus isn't part and parcel of a broader indoctrination ploy. The ploy that includes the self-loathing narrative ... by which i mean the process to increase the view of the past in contempt, and posit a reductionist view of patriarchy, class-conflict, genocide, racism, slavery, greed and white privilege. The narrative centers on shame of this country and a collective sense of guilt for its economic prowess, political freedoms and social progress. It even revs up hate of the hardworking men and women who bequeathed unparalleled prosperity and political freedoms now enjoyed. In turn it entails the advocacy of the destruction of monuments, renaming of schools, revision of textbooks and erasing of history deemed politically incorrect. The narrative, by promoting the cult of victimization and emasculation, demands mass cultural atonement for injustices that occurred well before any of us were born, and views all tradition – especially of the religious variety – as an impediment to progress.

If only. If only it were self loathing, then these liberal phonies would see themselves accurately as loathsome. If only it was view as white privilege, then these liberal phonies would open up their homes to house homeless victims of racism, open up their wallets to contribute mightily to charitable causes assisting victims of white privilege. If only they themselves would date and marry people of marginalized racial and ethnic status to elevate the social status of their offspring. They tear down status because they think they are part of a movement that is producing positive results, as if smashing a statues of Robert E. Lee will turn the projects into luxury condos. They defame Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and even Columbus as if by doing so Tupac Shakur will be regarded in the same breath as Mozart. They are about self empowerment and giving one a false self of accomplishment. , At the end of the day, they go home to middle class homes or better, surrounded by white middle class neighbors, and share nothing in common, least of all offering a helping hand, to those they purport to be representing.

Precisely ... like i said it is a ploy so while the libs apparently "bleed their hearts" about all those suffering, for example, black people and how it was the result of their own past ... but these crocodile tears and dysfunctional narrative only serves to absolve their guilt and generate self delusion, because it is now those Christian white people who are responsible for all the oppression and should be the target of destruction ... as the libs shun responsibility.
Wow, a thread that started off discussing drinking beer and partying has gotten pretty pretty heavy. ;) :)
Getting this back on topic, this is the most horrible awesome thing ever...


Getting this back on topic, this is the most horrible awesome thing ever...


Guys in this country who use fanny packs more often than not could use a toned abs fanny pack instead.