you are also confusing Bellafiore (who carried his class notes in a 50 year old shoebox tied with a string) with Dr. Lynch, who was rumored to have done that because some pharmacy student put lab goggles on a saintly statue..
Um maybe, but I'm pretty sure I'm not confusing Dr. Lynch with anyone. Black guy, right? Like 6'9", one leg shorter than the other, dueling scar on his right cheek? Oh no wait, that was Elvira Richardson. No that's right, Dr. Lynch was about 5 foot eleven, 190 pounds, brownish black hair, banged my mother for like 30 years. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not confusing him with anyone.
Also, your rumor is false. Mine is the true story.
All in all a poorly produced post for which I'll have to give you an F minus. PM me after class if you want some extra credit.