SJU - 3rd most expensive dorms in the country

you are also confusing Bellafiore (who carried his class notes in a 50 year old shoebox tied with a string) with Dr. Lynch, who was rumored to have done that because some pharmacy student put lab goggles on a saintly statue..

Um maybe, but I'm pretty sure I'm not confusing Dr. Lynch with anyone. Black guy, right? Like 6'9", one leg shorter than the other, dueling scar on his right cheek? Oh no wait, that was Elvira Richardson. No that's right, Dr. Lynch was about 5 foot eleven, 190 pounds, brownish black hair, banged my mother for like 30 years. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not confusing him with anyone.

Also, your rumor is false. Mine is the true story.

All in all a poorly produced post for which I'll have to give you an F minus. PM me after class if you want some extra credit.
Oh my, names from the past, Luongo, Eisen, Bellafiore, Lynch, MonteBovi, Schiarra, Buatti... oh yeah how the years slip by....
you are also confusing Bellafiore (who carried his class notes in a 50 year old shoebox tied with a string) with Dr. Lynch, who was rumored to have done that because some pharmacy student put lab goggles on a saintly statue..

Um maybe, but I'm pretty sure I'm not confusing Dr. Lynch with anyone. Black guy, right? Like 6'9", one leg shorter than the other, dueling scar on his right cheek? Oh no wait, that was Elvira Richardson. No that's right, Dr. Lynch was about 5 foot eleven, 190 pounds, brownish black hair, banged my mother for like 30 years. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not confusing him with anyone.

Also, your rumor is false. Mine is the true story.

All in all a poorly produced post for which I'll have to give you an F minus. PM me after class if you want some extra credit.

Wow.. I was in school at the time of the alleged beheading, and Dr. Lynch got the credit in all of the rumors. I'll have to go with your version. Bellafiore's first name came to me a little while ago - Ignatius, correct?

Now I'll tell you a story you may not have known - Dr. Lynch was a tough grader - taught pharmacology. A young professor, who posts here, was hired to teach pharmacology. After the first semester, kids flocked to him, and asked out of Dr. Lynch's class in droves. Lynch was so ticked off at administration, and appreciative of those kids who stayed, was that after the evacuation, pronounced to the remaining students his gratitude, and as a sign of it, would grade no student lower than a B that semester.
Thanks! I was under the hazy impression that tuition my first semester at SJU was $900 per semester which I thought was really inexpensive, but still a 50% jump over what you paid (started in 74). By the time I graduated, pharmacist made about $25,000 per year. I guess inflation began to soar in the Carter years.

My father taught at the School of Pharmacy from the day I was born until the day he died and was Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences for the last 10 years of his life. When I was a kid I earned my allowance by grading his papers and exams. That means that when I was in high school I was the one giving you C's in college. Lulz.

Could you please private me your Dad's name if you don't wish to share it publicly. Chances are he was on staff when I was staff there. Was your Dad Henry Eisen? Charles Jawrowski?

He was on staff from the 50s. Chair of Allied Sciences from like 60 to 70 and then Pharmaceutical Sciences after that until he died around 1985.

I remember Eisen but not the other guy. There was Elvira Richardson and Joe Balkon and Jamie (?) Bidanset and some Indian guy who I remember because he drank like a fish and Anthony (?) Bellafiore, who had a lifesize statute of Saint Jude in his lecture room that he chopped up with an axe because he said it had been defiled. Which it had been: some grad students (Krebs? Greenburg? Torre?) put it in my fathers office dressed up in a lab coat and goggles with a joint and a bottle of wine in its hands. After he chopped it up they rescued the hands and stuff from the dumpster and hung them in my fathers office like a mobile. I probably still have the pictures around somewhere.

I had Bellafiore and Eisen. You are thinking of Parshotam Madan.

Dr Kapoor.
I was in a suite of 9 people my freshman year ('10-11). I was in a single room with two people. We bunked the beds, had one dresser in the closet and the other dresser in the common room because it didn't fit in the room. Tight was an understatement for that room. And room and board was about $15,000 that year. It has gone up since.
Thanks! I was under the hazy impression that tuition my first semester at SJU was $900 per semester which I thought was really inexpensive, but still a 50% jump over what you paid (started in 74). By the time I graduated, pharmacist made about $25,000 per year. I guess inflation began to soar in the Carter years.

My father taught at the School of Pharmacy from the day I was born until the day he died and was Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences for the last 10 years of his life. When I was a kid I earned my allowance by grading his papers and exams. That means that when I was in high school I was the one giving you C's in college. Lulz.

Could you please private me your Dad's name if you don't wish to share it publicly. Chances are he was on staff when I was staff there. Was your Dad Henry Eisen? Charles Jawrowski?

He was on staff from the 50s. Chair of Allied Sciences from like 60 to 70 and then Pharmaceutical Sciences after that until he died around 1985.

I remember Eisen but not the other guy. There was Elvira Richardson and Joe Balkon and Jamie (?) Bidanset and some Indian guy who I remember because he drank like a fish and Anthony (?) Bellafiore, who had a lifesize statute of Saint Jude in his lecture room that he chopped up with an axe because he said it had been defiled. Which it had been: some grad students (Krebs? Greenburg? Torre?) put it in my fathers office dressed up in a lab coat and goggles with a joint and a bottle of wine in its hands. After he chopped it up they rescued the hands and stuff from the dumpster and hung them in my fathers office like a mobile. I probably still have the pictures around somewhere.

I had Bellafiore and Eisen. You are thinking of Parshotam Madan.

Dr Kapoor.

Amrit? Kapoor - Medicinal Chemistry. Yeah, he could drink from what I heard. He died a few years ago - Newsday had a nice obituary. Dr. Lengyel - Organic Chemistry - could put a few away also to my memory. Kapoor was a very good teacher.
I was in a suite of 9 people my freshman year ('10-11). I was in a single room with two people. We bunked the beds, had one dresser in the closet and the other dresser in the common room because it didn't fit in the room. Tight was an understatement for that room. And room and board was about $15,000 that year. It has gone up since.

At my son's school, if you are forced into a room above capacity, you get a refund on the board charged, which is carried as a credit going forward. Does SJU do that? They should.