Agree with you all. It sucks when somebody sells their tickets.However,they still have the right to.The student must be forbidden for every from selling when they are obtaining them from the gennerosity of the school.THEY are ruining the program for the rest of us,especially the other students who honor and respect their priveledge. The school has to put restrictions and penalties on any student caught selling his ticket.
Ok I'm tired of being PC and being nice. GIve me a f***cking break with the "generosity of the school" crap. And you can't be serious that it's the students who are ruining the program for "the rest of you." Who the f*** are "the rest of you?" There were probably more students at the game than regular fans and if it wasn't for us there wouldn't have been any semblance of noise for St. John's. How can you seriously sit here and say that fans can sell their tickets as they please but the students are ruining the program for doing it. You people who sit here and do nothing but chastise the students need to get real. THE STUDENTS SUCK, AND THE REGULAR FANS SUCK EVEN MORE.
This obviously doesn't apply to the guys here who attend every game, yell and scream, and are as angry and embarrassed about this situation as I am. Just like it doesn't apply to the core students who attend every game and try to make it some sort of a home court advantage. But the few people on here who continue to blame only the students, quite frankly, need to shut up already.
And one other thing. Don't think I'm condoning students reselling their tickets. I've posted on here before how it makes me absolutely sick. I've gone to Monasch about it, and I've gone to the ticket office about it. Nothing makes me angrier than seeing a student with zero pride in their school and only looking to grab some extra dollars to pay for their alcohol. But to sit here and say it's fine for regular fans to do it but the STUDENTS are ruining the program? Get the f*** outta here.