Rysheed Jordan


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@chadpradelli (as tweeted by Adam Zagoria):

"Police: Rysheed Jordan & 2 accomplices robbed 3 victims. Jordan opened fire hitting...one in arm. More at 6abc".
jordan should have been working on different shooting skills. Freaking knucklehead
Tragic story. For all his talent, he just didn't have enough knowledge and discipline to use it.

At 22 years old, his career is done and now it's going to be a tough life.
@chadpradelli (as tweeted by Adam Zagoria):

"Police: Rysheed Jordan & 2 accomplices robbed 3 victims. Jordan opened fire hitting...one in arm. More at 6abc".

There have been many incidents where a young talented person seems destined to thwart any positive help and blow any positive opportunity - as if it's in their DNA and destiny. Their lives dwindling to the lowest common denominator. Will he learn? Or will his next bullet - after time served - be in someone's chest?
Wow, sad.
for a team that always seems to lack shooting we sure do seem to have a lot of shooters once they leave our school
Rysheed Jordan had the opportunity to make something out of his life and appears to have thrown it all away on a street corner. He now deserves whatever the legal system has in store for him. What a waste.
No sympathy. He had numerous chances. Maybe he'll wake up now.

Attempted murder. Really messed up. Never took Sheed for a bad dude. Clearly I was wrong.

Attempted murder. Really messed up. Never took Sheed for a bad dude. Clearly I was wrong.

It happens fast Monte. But I get the sense you know that.

A minor indiscretion for a teenager, not being "focused", or hanging around the wrong crowd can quickly become a big deal a few years later when you don't stand up to your friends and say "nah, I'm not gonna carry a gun". Being a fool when you're 15 is one thing. But when you're 20 you need to have the courage to know you don't stick a gun in someone's face and rob them. Let alone shoot them.
If there's a silver lining to this, at least it was "ex-St. John's player charged with attempted murder", not "St. John's player.......". Which it may have been if Lavin was still here.
Just a very sad story. Clearly grew up in such a tough upbringing that he had no shot succeeding in college. He had many chances but couldn't overcome. The worst part is he wanted to be a role model for his siblings and make money playing ball to support his family. Now he can't do either of those.
If there's a silver lining to this, at least it was "ex-St. John's player charged with attempted murder", not "St. John's player.......". Which it may have been if Lavin was still here.

Agree that "ex" is better than current, but this could have been on Mullin's watch if he had the grades/stayed in class. May not have been in Mullin's ideal mold, but Mullin said semi-positive public comments about him in the early weeks of his tenure.


Wish these schools conduct some psychology interview as part of the recruiting process.
If there's a silver lining to this, at least it was "ex-St. John's player charged with attempted murder", not "St. John's player.......". Which it may have been if Lavin was still here.

Agree that "ex" I'd better than current, but this could have easily been on Mullin's watch if he had the grades/stayed in class. Mullin said semi-positive public comments about him in the early weeks of his tenure


Wish these schools conduct some psychology interview as part of the recruiting process

I wish the school would have conducted some sort of psychological evaluation of Lavin before hiring him :). As for Mullin saying semi-positive things, that is to be expected regardless of what he really thought about the kid. Especially if there was any shot at all that the kid would return. My sense if that if Rysheed had been responsible as a student and as an athlete, then this may not have happened. The tell-tale signs were all there. It's all part and parcel, to some degree.