RIP Bill Walton

I believe I have shared this before but the incredible story above about Bill Walton and Mike Breen’s dad just made me share this, I apologize if it is a repeat. First let me say, a “Like” for that incredible video seems woefully inadequate so my THANKS many times over to BrookJersey Redmen for posting, just so what a site like this is really about, what really makes it great!!
My Dad, who is in the wheelchair above with the copper colored shirt and the two other civilians pictured served on the USS Arikara in WW2, present at both Normandy on DDay and the initial engagement on Iwo Jima. The Arikara was a seagoing tug and their primary job was to get survivors out of the water or off disabled and frequently burning ships and their toughest job, retrieving as many fallen bodies off ships or out of the waters as possible.
This was their last reunion in May 2017, all of their other shipmates were gone or unable to travel. I had pretty good contacts in the Navy through my business and got them into this Naval Flight Training facility in Florida, where they were absolutely treated like royalty by EVERY person they came into contact with, and I mean every.
I also was able to get them on a tour of a DDG class Navy destroyer where they were treated the same by every sailor they encountered. My main POC was a Master Chief who “emceed” the tour. My father was unable to physically go on the tour and when the ship’s Captain heard of that, she went and found my father with my sister on the pier and engaged with him for the whole duration of the tour, listening to his stories and experiences during the war. Something my Dad never forgot right up to his passing in 2022. To be treated as heroes 70+ years after serving meant the world to them, one of the best things I ever did in my life but with little effort on my part, all I really did was ask and the Department of the Navy completely made it happen.
Wow Big Bill was truly an incredible human being.
Breen's dad's story and how Walton treated this virtual stranger, shows an incredible amount of greatness on the Big Guy's part.

I've heard other stories just like this one.

Another broadcaster off-handedly mentioned to Walton that Walton would be in a town nearby where that broadcaster grew up. So, Walton goes to the town, finds the neghborhood, finds the guy's house and takes a selfie in front of it and brings the guy back some blades of grass from his old house. :)
Breen's dad's story and how Walton treated this virtual stranger, shows an incredible amount of greatness on the Big Guy's part.

I've heard other stories just like this one.

Another broadcaster off-handedly mentioned to Walton that Walton would be in a town nearby where that broadcaster grew up. So, Walton goes to the town, finds the neghborhood, finds the guy's house and takes a selfie in front of it and brings the guy back some blades of grass from his old house. :)
The blades of grass touch is just such a personal touch, seems so very “waltonish”!
Lost another great Chet The Jet Walker mostly of Philadelphia 76er fame. Had a great bank shot and when he played with Chicago teamed with Bob Butterbean Love to form quite a forward tandem. Can still hear Philly PA announcer the inimitable Dave Zinkoff after a basket by Chet just calling out his last name in an elongated fashion Walkk aa!