Some of the things written about RJ being selfish and lazy are bullshit -:stinking pile of garbage. Have these posters met him? Chatted even a minute? Gone to more than 1-2 games? Drove their asses to Providence without tix with the hope of scoring tix st $400 for starters of just be in the same city if they couldn't. Gone to NIL events whete rj is generous with his time snd gracious, holding babies, taking hundreds of pics with fans and signing tons of autographs.
Now as far as Rick's decision to bench his best player, having two days to think about it, if we win Rick's a genius. If we lose, well, he's going to take well deserved heat.
Still a great coach, but msybe this L is on him for taking a gamble and losing.
Look at it this way - do you think Cal was worried that rj got yanked or glad to see him on the bench. Yes. You have your answer.