Red.Fans Needs Your Help


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2023 $upporter 2022 $upporter Moderator
Fellow Johnnies fans,

What an exciting time to be a Johnnies’ fan—New coach with a plan and a great history of success, both in recruiting and player development, and winning games.

Over the next several weeks and months, Coach Pitino will be on the recruiting circuit, trying to get commitments from high schoolers and transfers alike.

In addition to watching player recruitment, we will anxiously await the construction of next year’s schedule, as well as announcements regarding replacement and/or improvements of our dated facilities.

The place I go to for all SJU sports information is this website, (formerly

How much time do you spend here checking out the SJU sports scene? The Yankees? The Mets? Etc., etc.

The costs to acquire, maintain, operate and administrate this site runs into the thousands of dollars. These costs have mainly been borne by our generous benefactor, Paul Masson.

To help ease the burden of funding Red.Fans, and allow us to continue sharing our thoughts and comments, please commit to donating some funds that will help relieve the burden.

If you are new to the site, please consider a donation of $5 to $10 to initiate yourself to site membership. Longtime posters please continue to contribute your thoughts, as well as your cash.

The Contribute button is at the top left
. Please become an active supporter.

Thanks in advance for your help and participation.
you know what might help drive contributions- one of those X$ to Y$ Goal.

Have it transparent and sticky on the Homepage... Donate button right by it.
With the sudden realization that I need to be logging onto redmen redfans every 5 minutes it's a great reminder that if you haven't made a donation to help with the cost of maintaining this site then make one and even if you have it's a great time making a second donation no matter the amount because with Pitino it's going to be 24/7 on this site you never know when news is going to happen
I made my first donation April 16 and plan to continue making them as I check this site pretty often. Can I please get the badge applied?
might i suggest a Transparent view into the Cost of Maintenance for this site- tracking Donations towards the Goal... think if people saw how short we were of what's needed to Fund the site, more people or more $$ would come in.
I made my first donation April 16 and plan to continue making them as I check this site pretty often. Can I please get the badge applied?
Be patient Paul's got some serious personal stuff going on

Be patient Paul's got some serious personal stuff going on

Thanks for that- missed that thread entirely (took a break from this site after the Dingle commitment). Awful news though, hope he's better soon.
The moderators are incapable of providing the information that some posters have recently requested or to issue badges for donations. We continue to try to do our best in Paul's absence, which unfortunately continues. Any donations to the Site are greatly appreciated by Paul and his family. For those that believe in prayer please include Paul in your prayers. I know that he and his family are deeply religious and would appreciate the good wishes directed his way.