Moose" post=410742 said:
I managed to figure it out but I'm not exactly good at teaching. It seems like most are struggling with the quote function. For the benefit of everyone can someone give the masses a little tutorial on the new quote function?
1) Hit quote button
2) Click somewhere in comment. I've been doing it right after the quoted comment, but I assume you can click anywhere.
3) A red line will appear. Click the square box with the bent arrow on the right side of the line.
4) start typing your comment. [attachment=1805]Screen Shot 2020-12-31 at 3.30.02 AM.png[/attachment] [attachment=1806]Screen Shot 2020-12-31 at 3.30.36 AM.png[/attachment]
I think I will need you to still show me. Can you book a trip to Sag Harbor soon ? I'll pay you back with a lobster roll