Providence (MSG), Sat., Feb. 11, 12 Noon, FOX

Overall fun day. I know “addition by subtraction” can be a running joke here, but. . . .

Also - not whining when SJU wins just spitting facts. The refs were a joke.
Now Fr. Shanly keeps his bragging rights alive and that probably keeps Anderson around for another year. 🤔😟
Except that he was probably rooting for Providence. if I remember correctly he has admitted that in the past. Maybe he is happy with the split who knows.
Missed game
Rewatching it
Have to say players have talent and deficiencies that we discuss back and forth and it for the most part can be debated.
On like 5 different occasions this year including 2 times in first half Pinzon has not even attempted to run back on D after an offensive mistake.
Hope he leaves
I'm going to rewatch this one when I get back from Mass. And then maybe again later! ;)