Once upon a time in an innocuous fan board far far away there lived the great mayor dinkins and his band of merry posters who strove to ensure that their fan board remained a place where the same five astute and objective observers in their infinite wisdom decreed which posts contained value.
They lived by a simple code -- "In Lavin we trust." And for a time their fan board prospered and all was well. Recruits clambered to the program and their team realized success. All was harmonious on the fan board.
But then a dark storm approached. Three recruits were declared ineligible and the coach became ill. Players transferred and the team suffered through a dismal season. Following the disappointing season, the team's most valuable player declared for the nba.
From the dark and dank crevices of the fan board their emerged a foul troll who dared to dissent. His putrid venomous posts expressed concern and even went so far as to criticize the fan board's beloved program.
"Be gone filthy troll," the mayor and his men shouted. "You bring no value to this board uconn fan', they admonished. "Banish him moderators," they implored. "The folly of his ways will be apparent in the spring," they retorted. Indeed, the mayor once asked this coward to identify his seat number at MSG so that he the mayor himself could shut this creature up once and for all.
On occasion the troll would try in vain to disguise his intentions with flowery praise of the fan board's school. But the mayor and his band of merry posters could see past the scoundrel's web of deceit.
To the mayor's relief, the troll disappeared from the board for a spell and all appeared to return to normal. Prognostications of a top shelf recruiting class abounded. "This could be my best class ever," predicted the coach.
Then the recruits arrived. First branch then balamu and Sampson followed by borgault and Sanchez. Then hooper and finally wood. The mayor and his band celebrated their triumph.
In the midst of their elation, the troll reemerged with its slanderous posts. "But two of the recruits will likely not play and a third will play only half the season," it bellowed. "And we have no size," it screeched. Then, from the depths of its rotting brain, the troll hurled the most sickening, repulsive insult -- "Outside of Sampson this recruiting class is no better than norm Roberts' classes."
Well this was too much for the mayor and his virtuous followers. "If we can hurl insults at him one by one -- attack his character, his intelligence, his humor -- we may well rid ourselves of this creature once and for all," one of them posited. And so the anonymous vigilantes from their computers and iPads cast their verbal stones upon the troll.
"He is not witty," one quipped. "He probably does not even watch the recruits play," another challenged. "He lies dormant like a disease" only to reemerge to spew his "crap" the mayor posted, emboldened by his followers' insults.
Will the troll be cowed by the mayor and his merry posters? To be continued.