It's interesting to see the praise PGIV gets now. Many posters, myself included, used to rant about PGIV's shot selection and ball handling/hogging. Yet Lavin stuck with him, over many of our objections. Well, at least my objections.
So, I guess Lavin gets credit for seeing in PGIV what many of us didn't at the beginning. Right?
Phil Greene is a good off the ball scorer. We knew that four years ago.
But somebody who wears the coaches whistle thought that it was a good idea to have him play point guard.
To the extent that Lavin was forced to use Phil at the point, because other players transferred or didn't pan out - I can forgive that. You have to go to battle with you have.
But, to the extent that he did it voluntarily after we had Branch and then Jordan on the team; that is inexcusable.
Truthfully, for all the crap Phil has received, he's been playing much better lately. And him, more so than anybody else on the team, benefits from good ball movement and good vision from Dom, Rysheed, Dangelo, and Jamal. That's what has changed his game.
I also think he had hip injuries that were more severe than he led on.