Perspective 2021-22 season, to date.

Is beginning to really appreciate this thread useful as some sort of diagnostic criterion?  The excerpt is what the Darwinians reported from the Wilberforce vs. Huxley confrontation

Then, turning to his antagonist with a smiling insolence, he begged to know, was it through his grandfather or his grandmother that he claimed his descent from a monkey? On this Mr. Huxley slowly and deliberately arose. A slight tall figure stern and pale, very quiet and very grave, he stood before us, and spoke those tremendous words – words which no one seems sure of now, nor I think, could remember just after they were spoken, for their meaning took away our breath, though it left us in no doubt as to what it was. He was not ashamed to have a monkey for his ancestor; but he would be ashamed to be connected with a man who used great gifts to obscure the truth. No one doubted his meaning and the effect was tremendous.
Larry Darrell: "The sharp edge of a razor is difficult to pass over; thus the wise say the path to Salvation is hard."
Great post Panther.

I said almost the same thing on twitter a few days ago and had few people get all over me, I just stopped responding.  Apparently you can't say the team has underachieved and also provide reasons why they've underachieved thus far.  Only reason for some people is the coach sucks and doesn't know what he's doing.

And I keep seeing people post "why haven't they played like this all year"  Well... maybe it takes 9 new comers time to learn the system, as people can clearly see Wheeler, Soriano, Mathis, Nyiwe, Coburn, etc aren't the same players they were in Nov/Dec.  And I firmly believe if Julian was available for the Pitt game it would have been a win and if Posh was healthy either that UConn game or Villanova game would have been a win, you add those 2 wins to the column and we're probably where most people expected this team to be at this point in the year. 

And to the staff and player's credit they haven't let close losses or bad situations get them down, they've been playing hard even in losses, now they have an opportunity with a favorable schedule and everyone healthy to make some late season noise.
Making Plays post=458909 said:
Great post Panther.

I said almost the same thing on twitter a few days ago and had few people get all over me, I just stopped responding.  Apparently you can't say the team has underachieved and also provide reasons why they've underachieved thus far.  Only reason for some people is the coach sucks and doesn't know what he's doing.

And I keep seeing people post "why haven't they played like this all year"  Well... maybe it takes 9 new comers time to learn the system, as people can clearly see Wheeler, Soriano, Mathis, Nyiwe, Coburn, etc aren't the same players they were in Nov/Dec.  And I firmly believe if Julian was available for the Pitt game it would have been a win and if Posh was healthy either that UConn game or Villanova game would have been a win, you add those 2 wins to the column and we're probably where most people expected this team to be at this point in the year. 

And to the staff and player's credit they haven't let close losses or bad situations get them down, they've been playing hard even in losses, now they have an opportunity with a favorable schedule and everyone healthy to make some late season noise.

Nothing like a good “I told you so” after their best back-to-back games all year.

All this when the forum is very united and excited rooting for a late season run.