The problem with playing additional games on campus is we are stuck with a 5600 capacity, cramped, uncomfortable sweatbox, with few amenities. Had the administration torn down Alumni Hall and built a modern, comfortable 7500 capacity venue, we could have played the majority of games there, using the garden only when crowds of 12-20 thousand could be anticipated. Had Father Harrington not alienated the alum, Riley, who was reportedly going to donate 20 million toward athletics, we might have been able to have had Taffner and a new arena. When I see the campus arenas that schools such as; St. Louis, Xavier. Dayton, Butler and Richmond are playing their games in, it is unacceptable that STJ, with all the Big East money, is forced to play in a decidedly inferior venue.
Riley committed $20 mill that was earmarked for the Field House which was a $16 mill project. and which was picked up by the Taffners after Riley took his Doh-boy and went crying home. Nothing was ever committed for anything more than minor renovations to Carnesecca which is what I guess the other $4 mill was for, though the final budget for the recent renovations actually ended up at $5million.
You are correct that Riley's donation was contingent upon the hiring of Doherty. I believe that Doherty was the choice of the selection commitee. We ended up with Norm and no donation. As far as not getting a new arena, if both Taffner and Riley had donated, we might have been able to replace, rather than try to rehab, a 50 year old structure.
you are dead wrong that Riley's pledge had any contingencies to it. He pledged a large sum - I believe the number was $5 million, for a fieldhouse with practice facilities and student use facilities. He was then made head of the search committee, and felt that he did his job as stated, only to have FH embarrass him by hiring someone else. So he justifiably got angry, and pulled his pledge.
Actually, both Taffner and Riley donated millions to the University. I wish we'd stop ripping the guy on this board. Even after pulling his pledge, he still is one of our most generous donors in SJU history. Besides donating millions, he also estbalished intenrships and jobs for SJU students at Goldman Sachs. And no, he's not a friend of mine.
What we have at St. Johns is one of the worst alumni bases in the country in terms of percentgae of alumni who donate to the University. More than 80% of our alumni do not donate, and that number was under 4% when FH arrived on campus. Now imagine the type of arena we could build if even 60% of our alumni donated regularly. It's always easy to make excuses why you personally can't and why someone else should. Not a personal shot at you, but is a shot at all alumni who complain about our facilities yet never have donated a dime. And, no, buying season tickets isn't a donation - we are receiving something in return (tickets) for sending the school money. That doesn't build arenas - generous alumni - all of us - do.
First, no one is ripping Riley or any other donor. Also, Riley and Doherty were friends. Riley headed up the commitee that chose Doherty, although I recall one member preferred Bobby Gonzalez. In any event. Harrington and Louie interviewed Roberts and hired him, which completely undermined the search group and Riley, so the pledge withdrawal was directly related to Doherty not getting the position. Terrible way of conducting business. My initial comment came from watching games recently played at Butler, Richmond, St. Louis and Xavier, who will all be joining our new conference, and thinking how great the atmosphere looked on television.
I agree the donations from alums are very low, but the fault shouldn't be all on them. They obviously don't feel much affiliation with their alma mater, and some of the blame for that falls on the school.
well getting Doh and a lot of money and maybe more money ( tanner ) would have been bette than just getting Taffner $.I understand that Riley gave lots of money and wanted to be some shwingy booster. But if you're gonna extort the school for influence you should be able to bring something better to the table than your ex-swimming pupil, the Pillsbury Doh-boy.
well getting Doh and a lot of money and maybe more money ( tanner ) would have been bette than just getting Taffner $.I understand that Riley gave lots of money and wanted to be some shwingy booster. But if you're gonna extort the school for influence you should be able to bring something better to the table than your ex-swimming pupil, the Pillsbury Doh-boy.
It took me a while to agree with you that Doh wouldnt succeed BUT do you think we would have been better with Doh than Norm.
I still think he would have done better ( not saying measurably better over the years but slightly better ) but I do think we would have had a lot more $$$ thrown our way
The problem with playing additional games on campus is we are stuck with a 5600 capacity, cramped, uncomfortable sweatbox, with few amenities. Had the administration torn down Alumni Hall and built a modern, comfortable 7500 capacity venue, we could have played the majority of games there, using the garden only when crowds of 12-20 thousand could be anticipated. Had Father Harrington not alienated the alum, Riley, who was reportedly going to donate 20 million toward athletics, we might have been able to have had Taffner and a new arena. When I see the campus arenas that schools such as; St. Louis, Xavier. Dayton, Butler and Richmond are playing their games in, it is unacceptable that STJ, with all the Big East money, is forced to play in a decidedly inferior venue.
Riley committed $20 mill that was earmarked for the Field House which was a $16 mill project. and which was picked up by the Taffners after Riley took his Doh-boy and went crying home. Nothing was ever committed for anything more than minor renovations to Carnesecca which is what I guess the other $4 mill was for, though the final budget for the recent renovations actually ended up at $5million.
You are correct that Riley's donation was contingent upon the hiring of Doherty. I believe that Doherty was the choice of the selection commitee. We ended up with Norm and no donation. As far as not getting a new arena, if both Taffner and Riley had donated, we might have been able to replace, rather than try to rehab, a 50 year old structure.
you are dead wrong that Riley's pledge had any contingencies to it. He pledged a large sum - I believe the number was $5 million, for a fieldhouse with practice facilities and student use facilities. He was then made head of the search committee, and felt that he did his job as stated, only to have FH embarrass him by hiring someone else. So he justifiably got angry, and pulled his pledge.
Actually, both Taffner and Riley donated millions to the University. I wish we'd stop ripping the guy on this board. Even after pulling his pledge, he still is one of our most generous donors in SJU history. Besides donating millions, he also estbalished intenrships and jobs for SJU students at Goldman Sachs. And no, he's not a friend of mine.
What we have at St. Johns is one of the worst alumni bases in the country in terms of percentgae of alumni who donate to the University. More than 80% of our alumni do not donate, and that number was under 4% when FH arrived on campus. Now imagine the type of arena we could build if even 60% of our alumni donated regularly. It's always easy to make excuses why you personally can't and why someone else should. Not a personal shot at you, but is a shot at all alumni who complain about our facilities yet never have donated a dime. And, no, buying season tickets isn't a donation - we are receiving something in return (tickets) for sending the school money. That doesn't build arenas - generous alumni - all of us - do.
First, no one is ripping Riley or any other donor. Also, Riley and Doherty were friends. Riley headed up the commitee that chose Doherty, although I recall one member preferred Bobby Gonzalez. In any event. Harrington and Louie interviewed Roberts and hired him, which completely undermined the search group and Riley, so the pledge withdrawal was directly related to Doherty not getting the position. Terrible way of conducting business. My initial comment came from watching games recently played at Butler, Richmond, St. Louis and Xavier, who will all be joining our new conference, and thinking how great the atmosphere looked on television.
I agree the donations from alums are very low, but the fault shouldn't be all on them. They obviously don't feel much affiliation with their alma mater, and some of the blame for that falls on the school.
well getting Doh and a lot of money and maybe more money ( tanner ) would have been bette than just getting Taffner $.I understand that Riley gave lots of money and wanted to be some shwingy booster. But if you're gonna extort the school for influence you should be able to bring something better to the table than your ex-swimming pupil, the Pillsbury Doh-boy.
It took me a while to agree with you that Doh wouldnt succeed BUT do you think we would have been better with Doh than Norm.
I still think he would have done better ( not saying measurably better over the years but slightly better ) but I do think we would have had a lot more $$$ thrown our way
First of all, I have never agreed with huge donors being given major responsibilities about the running of a university or athletics. It seems to be a dirty quid pro quo. I mean, what the hell does a wall street guy know about evaluating the essentials to be a successful hoops coach, other than looking at a guys W-L record? What does a BOT member know about education - a fair number never even did well in the classroom themselves and almost all never worked in education. So, yea, you could question why the guy should even been charged with helping to select a coach.
Having said that, Doherty had major success at Notre Dame before being offered a chance at coaching at his alma mater - on of the truly hallowed jobs in college basketball. He recruited well there, and when the losses started inexplicably piling up, he melted down under the pressure of the job. Losing at UNC is so unacceptable, especially with a top recruiting class, that many guys of greater stature would have folded also.
It's hard to see how Doh would have been a good choice here, given his record since. However, he could have redeemed himself a few miles from home, and as a guy who won at ND and played alongside Jordan at UNC perhaps would have recruited well here and won. Keep in mind that back when Norm was hired the budget for a coach was pretty low, so getting a guy who had big time success at ND but had some hefty baggage after UNC was probably a reasonable risk.
. Any discussion of Doh as a coaching success anywhere is pure fantasy.
This last sentence refers to Norm Roberts to a "T". Never ever came close to the success of Doh. Period.
This thread is laughable... If we had a team that was in the top 25 every other year MSG would be rocking for every game.... it is as simple as that. We are still rebuilding from the years of Jarvis and Norm; a long period of time of being sub-par...
Just two years ago after upsetting Duke at the Garden we drew 14,514 against Pitt, compared to 9,129 last week ... the Garden was alive for that game, the crowd was awesome and we weren't even a top 25 team... it was because we had been winning and fun to watch! The buzz was in NY... people I never talked hoops with were bringing up SJU.
Nothing beats winning at MSG.... Nothing! Watch this video and you tell me if MSG is a curse... I get chills watching it:
This was from just one season of being good!! What if we were consistently good every year... MSG would be a scary place for opposing teams to come play...
The game after St. John's gets a top 25 ranking (hopefully some time next year) the Garden crowd will be much bigger and better, and you will be regretting this post....
Pretty exciting. Key is to sell out the Garden so as to not have any walk up tickets available. Hard to keep the opposition fans out in this new age of on line ordering. Ok I'll be happy with 15 k season ticket holders.
well getting Doh and a lot of money and maybe more money ( tanner ) would have been bette than just getting Taffner $.I understand that Riley gave lots of money and wanted to be some shwingy booster. But if you're gonna extort the school for influence you should be able to bring something better to the table than your ex-swimming pupil, the Pillsbury Doh-boy.
It took me a while to agree with you that Doh wouldnt succeed BUT do you think we would have been better with Doh than Norm.
I still think he would have done better ( not saying measurably better over the years but slightly better ) but I do think we would have had a lot more $$$ thrown our way
First of all, I have never agreed with huge donors being given major responsibilities about the running of a university or athletics. It seems to be a dirty quid pro quo. I mean, what the hell does a wall street guy know about evaluating the essentials to be a successful hoops coach, other than looking at a guys W-L record? What does a BOT member know about education - a fair number never even did well in the classroom themselves and almost all never worked in education. So, yea, you could question why the guy should even been charged with helping to select a coach.
Having said that, Doherty had major success at Notre Dame before being offered a chance at coaching at his alma mater - on of the truly hallowed jobs in college basketball. He recruited well there, and when the losses started inexplicably piling up, he melted down under the pressure of the job. Losing at UNC is so unacceptable, especially with a top recruiting class, that many guys of greater stature would have folded also.
It's hard to see how Doh would have been a good choice here, given his record since. However, he could have redeemed himself a few miles from home, and as a guy who won at ND and played alongside Jordan at UNC perhaps would have recruited well here and won. Keep in mind that back when Norm was hired the budget for a coach was pretty low, so getting a guy who had big time success at ND but had some hefty baggage after UNC was probably a reasonable risk.
Tons of points to discuss. Re Riley, he has continued to donate to the university, just not to the athletic department. No great loss. Others who might have felt they needed to make up his shortfall if he walked away entirely could instead start a fund to build a new arena since Riley is pumping major dollars into the rest of the campus and scholarships. They haven't. That's telling.
Re Doh vs. Roberts in hindsight. Doh might have done just enough to keep his job even longer than Roberts and that would have been the final nail in the post Jarvis coffin. Though that is highly unlikely, remember Roberts is at least likable, Doh is a douche who was run out of UNC not just because he was unpopular with his players who were near mutinous but also because he treated the rest of the Athletic Department awfully as well, disrespecting Dean and his long time employees. Not unlikely he would have treated Lou and others worse and not unlikely Dean told Lou that.
Re revisionist history on Doh at UND, he coached there ONE year and took a team that featured the BE POY all the way to the . . . NIT??? They were 22 15 including 4-1 in the NIT. Suggest that 18-14 regular season/BET is not MAJOR SUCCESS. He then got the job at UNC because the first 5 branches of Dean's coaching tree said no. He had a good year with a team that featured a number of Bill Guthridges players that had been to the final four the year before getting all the way to the second round and followed it up with a 8-20 season, and an NIT appearance. He did get a great class with McCants, May and the other guy who's name I can't remember and can't bother looking up but remember, those same three guys were the mutinous ones. Any discussion of Doh as a coaching success anywhere is pure fantasy.
The problem with playing additional games on campus is we are stuck with a 5600 capacity, cramped, uncomfortable sweatbox, with few amenities. Had the administration torn down Alumni Hall and built a modern, comfortable 7500 capacity venue, we could have played the majority of games there, using the garden only when crowds of 12-20 thousand could be anticipated. Had Father Harrington not alienated the alum, Riley, who was reportedly going to donate 20 million toward athletics, we might have been able to have had Taffner and a new arena. When I see the campus arenas that schools such as; St. Louis, Xavier. Dayton, Butler and Richmond are playing their games in, it is unacceptable that STJ, with all the Big East money, is forced to play in a decidedly inferior venue.
Riley committed $20 mill that was earmarked for the Field House which was a $16 mill project. and which was picked up by the Taffners after Riley took his Doh-boy and went crying home. Nothing was ever committed for anything more than minor renovations to Carnesecca which is what I guess the other $4 mill was for, though the final budget for the recent renovations actually ended up at $5million.
You are correct that Riley's donation was contingent upon the hiring of Doherty. I believe that Doherty was the choice of the selection commitee. We ended up with Norm and no donation. As far as not getting a new arena, if both Taffner and Riley had donated, we might have been able to replace, rather than try to rehab, a 50 year old structure.
you are dead wrong that Riley's pledge had any contingencies to it. He pledged a large sum - I believe the number was $5 million, for a fieldhouse with practice facilities and student use facilities. He was then made head of the search committee, and felt that he did his job as stated, only to have FH embarrass him by hiring someone else. So he justifiably got angry, and pulled his pledge.
Actually, both Taffner and Riley donated millions to the University. I wish we'd stop ripping the guy on this board. Even after pulling his pledge, he still is one of our most generous donors in SJU history. Besides donating millions, he also estbalished intenrships and jobs for SJU students at Goldman Sachs. And no, he's not a friend of mine.
What we have at St. Johns is one of the worst alumni bases in the country in terms of percentgae of alumni who donate to the University. More than 80% of our alumni do not donate, and that number was under 4% when FH arrived on campus. Now imagine the type of arena we could build if even 60% of our alumni donated regularly. It's always easy to make excuses why you personally can't and why someone else should. Not a personal shot at you, but is a shot at all alumni who complain about our facilities yet never have donated a dime. And, no, buying season tickets isn't a donation - we are receiving something in return (tickets) for sending the school money. That doesn't build arenas - generous alumni - all of us - do.
First, no one is ripping Riley or any other donor. Also, Riley and Doherty were friends. Riley headed up the commitee that chose Doherty, although I recall one member preferred Bobby Gonzalez. In any event. Harrington and Louie interviewed Roberts and hired him, which completely undermined the search group and Riley, so the pledge withdrawal was directly related to Doherty not getting the position. Terrible way of conducting business. My initial comment came from watching games recently played at Butler, Richmond, St. Louis and Xavier, who will all be joining our new conference, and thinking how great the atmosphere looked on television.
I agree the donations from alums are very low, but the fault shouldn't be all on them. They obviously don't feel much affiliation with their alma mater, and some of the blame for that falls on the school.
First of all, you said his donation was contingent upon Doherty getting hired, which is not even close to the truth. A contingent donation would have been proferred by telling the school you would only donate X amount in return for hiring Y. That did not happen. I just wanted to point out that even without the Taffner Center (formerly to be the Riley Center) donation, the Riley family had donated large sums to the university and helped in other ways.
I do agree with your point about the school being somewhat responsible for low alumni donations, but at some point in your life, you have to be thankful for the extremely low cost Vincentian education that we received and direct some of your charitable donations towards the school. Without donations, no alumni has any reasonable right to be critical of the school offering second rate facilities, or second rate education for that matter.
. Any discussion of Doh as a coaching success anywhere is pure fantasy.
This last sentence refers to Norm Roberts to a "T". Never ever came close to the success of Doh. Period.
Never said he did. We're discussing Doh.
His 48% career winning percentage is miles ahead of Norm's 45%. Of course if you drop his first season at UNC their winning percentages are exactly the same.
At least Doh did have 2 seasons with a winning record in his own conference, in 13 years. And now he's unhirable and sucks as an on air personality. Suggest he goes back to Wall Street where failure is not looked down on so much as rewarded handsomely.
Hi All,
New to the board and am a Providence alum for full disclosure purposes. However, I was a SJU fan prior to attending PC and I have a ton of family members that went to SJU undergrad and law school. I just had a quick question. How much does SJU have to pay for each game at MSG? How many tickets do they have to sell to break even?
Thanks for the info and I look forward to reading this board more frequently.
. Any discussion of Doh as a coaching success anywhere is pure fantasy.
This last sentence refers to Norm Roberts to a "T". Never ever came close to the success of Doh. Period.
Never said he did. We're discussing Doh.
His 48% career winning percentage is miles ahead of Norm's 45%. Of course if you drop his first season at UNC their winning percentages are exactly the same.
At least Doh did have 2 seasons with a winning record in his own conference, in 13 years. And now he's unhirable and sucks as an on air personality. Suggest he goes back to Wall Street where failure is not looked down on so much as rewarded handsomely.
So. let's get this straight - you don't like him. Question though, wasn't he in high demand after the 22-15 year at ND?
Hi All,
New to the board and am a Providence alum for full disclosure purposes. However, I was a SJU fan prior to attending PC and I have a ton of family members that went to SJU undergrad and law school. I just had a quick question. How much does SJU have to pay for each game at MSG? How many tickets do they have to sell to break even?
Thanks for the info and I look forward to reading this board more frequently.
SJU fan, PC grad. Why the Cuse assistant coach's name as your board name?![]()
As far as MSG, word is that they pay $100,000/game. I don't know how much they have to sell to break even but Carnesecca Arena doesn't seat enough people to meet the Big East capacity requirement. They have to schedule enough games at the Garden to meet that average capacity.