NYS Bill Proposed to share 15% with athletes and get paid for likenesses


Bumped this subject since the NCAA has now decided to look towards the future and find a way to compensate athletes for their likeness.

Good job California!
Senator Burr (R-NC) has this afternoon said he will submit legislation to tax student athlete scholarships if the student athlete takes endorsement money. This would help "State"schools and put "private" schools at a disadvantage. Say in his home state, that would put UNC/NC State at a significant advantage versus Duke. (In the BE everyone versus The Con's).
The only athletes that will ever get paid for their likeness are 5 star athletes in marquee sports. Those athletes are going to go to the schools where they feel their profile will be highest. So it may be Alabama for football before Fordham, Duke for basketball before St. John's, etc. Nothing will really change in my opinion about where athletes choose to go.
[quote="Sju grad 13" post=361209]So happy about the ncaa decision. With our media market this could really help us.[/quote]

I think it'll only reinforce the status quo. My sports marketing co will pay you $xyz amount of dollars ONLY if you go to Duke, UNC, Kansas or Kentucky, etc. A Nike or a EA Sports video game will only want to pay players that on the TV national stage a lot.

They may be an explicit rule against expectations of where a student has to attend, but I wouldn't be suprised if there will be wink-wink agreements put in place.
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Hope this means they will bring back College Hoops 2k20. If they do which seems likely since NCAA football video games are coming back, I suppose they can actually use their names now instead of just numbers.
I'm hopeful we will benefit from this new rule, but I still feel it won't change much in terms of any advantage it would possibly give us. I think the rich get richer. Will widen the divide between F5 and everyone else that much more. Any rule involving allowing paying recruits means they have the advantage because they have tons more money at their disposal. Top recruits will likely see more opportunity to make the cover of video games with the Duke/Cuse/Ohio St./UNC/Kentuckys of the world. I don't think a billboard in Times Square will mean much these days. Plus, someone on here said Repole wants nothing to do with us. So there goes any possible Vitamin Water/Body Armor deals. Can anyone explain in detail how this really will benefit us? Because that seems to be the popular opinion here.
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