Anyone who has followed this program over the past few decades knows this is not rock bottom.
We aren't good right now, but "rock bottom" is not even in the line of sight. (See: Pitt, Jarvii, Abe Keita, et al)
Thank you Firestorm
None of us like what's happening
The word is disappointing
But IMHO we need to give this a few more years
Before any conclusions/decisions are drawn...
A year plus starting from scratch...premature to determine how this will shake out
Have a nice holiday
Well said, Sherm.
This is the coach most of us wanted so we should be patient.
I think the majority of fans wanted one of the Hurley brothers.
That being said, I'll be the first to admit that I bought into St, John's PR rhetoric regarding CM after the fact.
I thought Dan Hurley was a target until I heard of backdoor maneuvering that resulted in the unexpected hiring of Chris Mullin. When he hired two respected recruiters we all hoped we would finally start getting better players but when his most experienced recruiter with any type of coaching experience was shown the door after one season we all realized there was serious trouble in the marriage.
The second recruiting cycle brings in two transfers and Brown. No prime targets signed. We managed to sign another project from the 2018 class but it remains to be seen if Mullin and Matt can deliver the bigger targets with player development becoming a major concern.
That said, I hope Mullin has an ephinany regarding the make up of the staff because even hiring a consultant with experience in game preparation may improve his learning curve. His hard headed pride may preclude that happening and we as fans have no options other than express our concerns here and hope some of our concerns are taken seriously.
This is a good point. Many coaches improve, and it's not always by hiring a new assistant.
They go to each other's camps, go sit-in on another team's practice, watch NBA teams practice... or simply talk to people. They can learn. You hear this all the time with football coaches, but basketball guys do it too.
You need to be a student of the game and pick things up along the way.
Look I do know what is happening but CM has seen enough practices at all levels of this game to have learned. I feel the recruiting at this point has been bad by that I mean we picked overrated players ,have not been able to develop improvement,drive or focus or instill toughness. I know we have some talented players but we have to find away to bring that talent to the surface.Starts with coaching again not running around every game like we are playing pick up games in the school yards Penn St showed set played that have been taught. We played not like a team. More than another coach we need a Defensive coach and a look at the staff who is not doing there job or perhaps in over their heads to be replaced and fast for the salaries we are paying are not to bad. I know if you were in the corp world heads would have rolled by now .We spend millions of $$$$and should expect a much better product