New Member

So we appear well covered with “Marillac” and “Alumni Hall”, for our on campus studies and recreation, and “Sly Foxx” and now “Donte’s” for all off campus food and drinks.

I am waiting for someone to join called “nickel beers” and become everyone’s immediately favorite poster.
So we appear well covered with “Marillac” and “Alumni Hall”, for our on campus studies and recreation, and “Sly Foxx” and now “Donte’s” for all off campus food and drinks.

I am waiting for someone to join called “nickel beers” and become everyone’s immediately favorite poster.
I'm a bit older than most on here, anyone remember Poor Richards Pub?
Creighton & Gray's?
Patrick's Pb?

Any new posters, can use those names........For Free!
Back in the hey day, Dante’s was my regular hangout. The stories are endless of the stuff that went on throughout the great years. If the walks could talk. The saying watch out for the quiet ones rings true. Go SJ
Donte's or Dante's? Looie used to mention it all the time. I've never been there.
If the walks could talk rhymes, but I think the expression is if the walls could talk.
Boy, if the walls could talk, at a certain different Italian Ristorante in a city about 737 mies southeast of here ;-)
Before my time. I am one of those nostalgic over JPODs and Gantry’s.
For the Johnnies on Grymes Hill in Staten Island (undergrad there '71-'75--later at Jamaica '75-'78), --- there was The Library, Grandma's and Eleanor Rigby's.

Funny Poor Richards Pub- story, ......right before I had to do my Oral Argument in Moot Court, I went to Poor Richards and had a shot of tequila to calm my nerves. I had to go "first" out of the entire class, and got through it okay, and I told my Poor Richards story, so, over the next three weeks at least a third of my classmates did something similar. One guy took it a little too far (3 shots; he ending up dropping out).