Been a fan of his articles all year but this one didn't really get going. Too short for what he was trying to say. We as did hards get it but a casual fan won't be informed of much from that article.
Concise articles are common during Tourney week. I agree with him that SJU has to be realistic in its expectations of the program & provide commitment & resources to achieve those. That commitment should include the presence of an outstanding & visionary AD. I am confident our new President is evaluating the Athletic Department in his analysis of the University & will effect positive change.
Yea it's a good article. I wish it was longer I guess but you are right it is probably short and to the point because of tourney week and also to keep people's attention.
As for the president, I think it's hard to fire someone after a tournament appearance, so I believe Lavin will be back. Hopefully he isn't given a five year deal or something. I'd rather just fire him unless we beat duke. If we beat duke I'll live with the guy because that'd be awesome and a miracle.
Jack, just to be clear, my comment had nothing to do with SL. Rather, it was intended to suggest the "mom & pop" historical culture of SJU Athletics merits an evolution to a more business like model. We have a great history, which I have had benefit of enjoying back to the Tony Jackson days. However, those days are over. We need to establish reasonable goals & expectations for SJU basketball, provide economically sensible resources & hire & retain solid management staff to become a consistently competitive program. Putting my soap box away now.