Louisville Recruiting Scandal

This gives Pitino more free time to find a job for "Little Rick" who is imploding at Minn.
I just got the little rick minn job on dvd from netflix. Trainwreck
Anyone watching this press conference by the way? Not a whiff of accountability from the head coach. All about how sad he feels for Damion Lee and Trey Lewis. I feel bad for them too, but if you're admitting wrong-doing shouldn't there be some sense of contrition here?

Those 2 got screwed but to be fair they probably got screwed on their recruiting visit too
Pitino was heard to say, "I'm shocked, shocked that there's been whoring going on here." :eek:hmy:
They should be forfeiting any game in which a player who was illegally recruited played in (approximately 7 years) plus multi year scholarship losses. We lost an entire year of wins because Ron Artest bought a gold chain on layaway!!!!! Anyone can buy a gold chain on lay away!! That was ##%$ retarded! If they don't come down hard on them, it is entirely unfair to the hit we took for next to nothing. :angry:

Abe Keita received ujnder the table payments for which we self-imposed two years probation and forfeited all wins in which he participated in. Ron Artest had nothing to do with us forfeiting those wins.

Not to belabor this, but I think this article nails it;


Good article, Paultz.

Now we'll see what the NCAA is made of. They should at least make Louisville vacate the wins and forfeit scholarships, as was suggested here. Instead they're blaming everything on an assistant who's gone...bush!

As the article says, this is tabloid stuff, not just sport page fodder.

I still can't grasp just what a "basketball dorm " is. (This came up when the story first broke a few months ago,, I think).
Of course Louisville tries throwing NCAA a bone or two to lessen sanctions. The sad part is they will probably get a pass.


Unbelievable, commit a crime and then you decide your own punishment. The NCAA is a joke. If they accept this from Louisville and then don't come down hard on North Carolina, what little credibility they may have is gone. SMU and Larry Brown got hammered for helping one student, but Roy Williams feels that he is not responsible for years of bogus classes.
I have had college coaches call me and say, "talk to your boy, he missed a couple of classes". Most coaches get weekly progress reports from the Academic advisor detailing attendance and progress.
Louisville is a joke, no way a graduate assistant has the money to hire prostitutes. He may have made the arrangements, but the money came from the top. I have heard that not only recruits, but some of their fathers availed themselves of the services offered.
What bothers me is that it is always the person at the bottom who takes the hit for those on top.
Of course Louisville tries throwing NCAA a bone or two to lessen sanctions. The sad part is they will probably get a pass.


Unbelievable, commit a crime and then you decide your own punishment. The NCAA is a joke. If they accept this from Louisville and then don't come down hard on North Carolina, what little credibility they may have is gone. SMU and Larry Brown got hammered for helping one student, but Roy Williams feels that he is not responsible for years of bogus classes.
I have had college coaches call me and say, "talk to your boy, he missed a couple of classes". Most coaches get weekly progress reports from the Academic advisor detailing attendance and progress.
Louisville is a joke, no way a graduate assistant has the money to hire prostitutes. He may have made the arrangements, but the money came from the top. I have heard that not only recruits, but some of their fathers availed themselves of the services offered.
What bothers me is that it is always the person at the bottom who takes the hit for those on top.
Heard same thing about fathers of recruits also receiving services. Also heard so far Pitino has not met with investigators despite their desire to interview him. Also was told FWIW that NCAA has told Louisville that punishment will be much more severe if they don't part ways with Pitino.
Anybody who gets hired at the bottom level to work for Petino, Brown, Williams, Calhoun etc. whether as an ass,t coach, student advisor etc. knows at sometime he may be required to take the blame for something and testify that the big guy knew nothing about it.
He will be fired but will be well taken care of. It Is a system that the mob has always used to protect the Don. To counteract this the NCAA a few years ago enacted some rules that was supposed to make the big guy responsible even if the bottom level hiree testified that he committed the infraction on his own and the big guy knew nothing about it. Getting Petino will be as difficult as getting Gotti.
Of course Louisville tries throwing NCAA a bone or two to lessen sanctions. The sad part is they will probably get a pass.


Unbelievable, commit a crime and then you decide your own punishment. The NCAA is a joke. If they accept this from Louisville and then don't come down hard on North Carolina, what little credibility they may have is gone. SMU and Larry Brown got hammered for helping one student, but Roy Williams feels that he is not responsible for years of bogus classes.
I have had college coaches call me and say, "talk to your boy, he missed a couple of classes". Most coaches get weekly progress reports from the Academic advisor detailing attendance and progress.
Louisville is a joke, no way a graduate assistant has the money to hire prostitutes. He may have made the arrangements, but the money came from the top. I have heard that not only recruits, but some of their fathers availed themselves of the services offered.
What bothers me is that it is always the person at the bottom who takes the hit for those on top.

Alex Evans who had a promising career ruined by the fat, bald, lying jerk. What a shame and a good person too.
Of course Louisville tries throwing NCAA a bone or two to lessen sanctions. The sad part is they will probably get a pass.


Unbelievable, commit a crime and then you decide your own punishment. The NCAA is a joke. If they accept this from Louisville and then don't come down hard on North Carolina, what little credibility they may have is gone. SMU and Larry Brown got hammered for helping one student, but Roy Williams feels that he is not responsible for years of bogus classes.
I have had college coaches call me and say, "talk to your boy, he missed a couple of classes". Most coaches get weekly progress reports from the Academic advisor detailing attendance and progress.
Louisville is a joke, no way a graduate assistant has the money to hire prostitutes. He may have made the arrangements, but the money came from the top. I have heard that not only recruits, but some of their fathers availed themselves of the services offered.
What bothers me is that it is always the person at the bottom who takes the hit for those on top.
Heard same thing about fathers of recruits also receiving services. Also heard so far Pitino has not met with investigators despite their desire to interview him. Also was told FWIW that NCAA has told Louisville that punishment will be much more severe if they don't part ways with Pitino.

Would be very satisfying to see Rick and little Ricky both get booted about the same time.
What bothers me is that it is always the person at the bottom who takes the hit for those on top.

That (quote above) sure as hell didn't bother the one's who participated in the frolicking. That was their mission.
He will be fired but will be well taken care of.

The problem is that they really aren't, unless they are given a secret lump sum the size of their expected career earnings. The fall guy in the Louisville scandal is now an uber driver.
Unbelievable, commit a crime and then you decide your own punishment.

I'm going to go on an ass-pinching spree tomorrow, and throw in some armed robbery for good measure, and then ask the cops for a month of probation. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.
NCAA should ban coaches for at least as long as a team is on probation - without pay.

If that was a protocol the cheating would be reduced.

As long as schools are able to protect their prized and coddled coaches the cheating will continue at this high rate
Slick Rick has his own interpretation of the self imposed sanctions of course;

CollegeBasketbllTalk – ‏@CBTonNBC

Cardinals originally announced removing '17 and '18 scholarships http://wp.me/p1aWjM-2iZQ
Slick Rick has his own interpretation of the self imposed sanctions of course;

CollegeBasketbllTalk – ‏@CBTonNBC

Cardinals originally announced removing '17 and '18 scholarships http://wp.me/p1aWjM-2iZQ

He sure does have a lot of nerve. It's sad that someone of such poor integrity is put on a pedestal.

Winning can have some ugly effects.