Paying College Athletes for ‘Amateur’ Sports
College athletes have an opportunity for a “debt-free education,” but they have no free time to get one.
April 1, 2016 / Wall Street Journal / Letter's To The Editor
Regarding Prof. Howard P. Chudacoff’s “Let’s Not Pay College Athletes” (op-ed, March 29): The professor admits that college athletes “devote 40-60 hours a week practicing, playing and traveling for their sport.” Another way of saying that is that they are working full time, even overtime, in their athletic endeavors. They may get an opportunity for a “debt-free education,” as the Brown University professor notes, but they have virtually no free time to avail themselves of that opportunity.
He somewhat grudgingly notes that “some do help earn millions for their school.” Of course they do, and the millions they earn help pay the professor’s salary and the ridiculously extravagant salaries of the coaches and athletic directors who earn far more than university presidents. There’s something seriously wrong with this picture.
Don Kaul
Not only are college athletes already compensated very handsomely for playing sports, Prof. Chudacoff doesn’t mention that this compensation is tax free, unlike the earnings from which most students pay for their education. If college athletes were taxed on the full value of what they received from their universities, I would be more sympathetic to their demands for higher compensation.
Thomas F. Schlafly
St. Louis
If the student athletes were paid a salary, an “arms race” would quickly develop in which the schools with the most money would start paying more and more to get and retain the best athletes. Forget about the quality of the school. As an example of a salary “arms race” just look at the packages that some colleges pay their football and basketball coaches even now, and the jumping around from conference to conference that takes place.
Joe Carbone
Southbury, Conn.
The most significant reason college athletes should not be paid is that playing a sport in college gives athletes the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities to professional sports organizations, which may, in their first contract term, pay them more than many of us earn in a lifetime.
Warren Herron
Marietta, Ga.
I’m sure Prof. Chudacoff would rather have top-shelf clothing, good food, access to state-of-the-art facilities and a leather-encased laptop for compensation instead of cash.
Dimitri Triantafyllides, CFA
Charlotte, N.C.
Allowing professionals to compete in the Olympics didn’t ruin the Olympics, and paying college athletes won’t ruin college sports. It will just create a little equity in the system.
Mark Gilles
Menlo Park, Calif.
What Mr. Chudacoff asserts isn’t true for most Division 1 schools. The more typical facilities my son had available in that division are nothing like the opulent facilities described.
John V. Leach
Highlands Ranch, Colo.