Just back from stony brook - great hospital - to have a quarter size chuck of skin removed from under my left eye. I hope when the biopsy comes back it will show the entire melanoma is gone. Then plastic surgery.
My point is the more sun we took in growing up the more likely skin cancer will appear later in life. Those of us old enough recall using reflector shields so our skin could absorb even more rays!!!
Doctors on this site know more than I but even a layperson like me knows the earlier the cancer is caught the better. Mine was noticed at the situ or earliest stage. I go for regular dermatology appointments and even then I had to on my own point out the under the eye spot.
Sin cancer kills in part because there are few early warning signs - before the melanoma grows deeper and spreads. Mine was still superficial. Biggest pain today is the patch covering my left eye.
Enough from
Me though. UVA/UVB Sunblock, Redmen hats, sun blocking shirts...I use them all now. Maybe someone will benefit by this topic.
Any typos - not bad for one eye!
All the best!
My point is the more sun we took in growing up the more likely skin cancer will appear later in life. Those of us old enough recall using reflector shields so our skin could absorb even more rays!!!
Doctors on this site know more than I but even a layperson like me knows the earlier the cancer is caught the better. Mine was noticed at the situ or earliest stage. I go for regular dermatology appointments and even then I had to on my own point out the under the eye spot.
Sin cancer kills in part because there are few early warning signs - before the melanoma grows deeper and spreads. Mine was still superficial. Biggest pain today is the patch covering my left eye.
Enough from
Me though. UVA/UVB Sunblock, Redmen hats, sun blocking shirts...I use them all now. Maybe someone will benefit by this topic.
Any typos - not bad for one eye!
All the best!