Anyone but Zach Braz please.
What's the beef you have with him?
He's just way too critical of NY sports teams.
I like how he covers high schoolers and recruiting. And he shows a lot of love to NY players.
But he hates everything Knicks/Jets/and his snide remarks about the Mets.
Every sports writer has their own schtick. But he has a what have you done for me lately type of attitude.
I wasn't too fond of Robbins but it seems like Lavin trusted him for some reason. I'm not look for someone who always tries to paint a rosy picture. Just would like to see some new blood. A younger writer with something to gain. Not an established writ who writes/acts with a sense of entitlement.
Kieran Darcy of ESPN is another guy who is overly critical of us for some reason.