
Who is our leader?
Who was it last year?
Who was it in 2010?

I am one who feels Harrison is not a leader and I'm fine with that. I'd rather Lavin not force him to be a leader when its not in his personality.

What do y'all feel?

D'Lo exhibits no qualities of a leader. A leader does not get disciplined twice in 2 weeks. He does not talk back to the coach. He makes others around him better.
Harrison appears to be playing selfishly at times but lacking guys that are pure shooters, he is the best (and worst) of our offense. Karr is a magnificent athlete and a better talent but not mature enough to lead. I am hoping Branch fills that role sooner rather than later.

Harrison is playing selfishly?
Yeah see what happens when he doesn't, he passed the ball to Greene and it was intercepted. He is the only sure thing we have when the ball is in his hands. He has unlimited range and can draw plenty of fouls and hits a 85% clip. Karr is good threat as well but only in certain positions and areas of the court.

I'm dumbfounded as the amount of flak Harrison has taken lately. Maybe he doesn't want to be a leader. Nothing wrong with that. Lav shouldnt try to hammer the square into the circle.

Lets accept Harrison for who he is. A guy we should love to have on this team and hate if he was on the other.

As for the leader the closest we have now is Amir, Branch seems to be the leader to be and Karr I think has the potential to be.

First, I agree with you that Harrison is not the leader of this team....at this time. Maturity, or the lack of it, have a lot to do with that. You are also correct that he may not want to be the leader and rather just be the team's "star".

That said, if being the team's star, comes at the expense of the team, and its common goal....to win the game, then driving to the basket and forcing a shot, being blocked and forgetting that 2 of your teammates were in better scoring position is......quite simple put.....selfish. Harrison does this frequently as opposed to rarely. I will leave it to the coaches to teach him better judgment.

Right now he is a one-dimensional player who likes to get his points. His passing skills are almost underdeveloped at his stage (as you pointed out in his lazy pass at the end of the UNCA game). If Lavin intended to develop PG skills in D'Lo, it has failed to date. You may recall that when Dwight Hardy was a first year player as a junior, Norm used him at his natural 2 position and he excelled. When Lavin was hired he was moved to the PG position and he almost became the BE Player of the Year. Hardy's "leadership" trait was taking charge....effectively.....and that mental trait led St. John's to its first national ranking in years.....with Norm's recruits. As highly ranked as Harrison was 3 years ago in high school, I do not see him as our next Dwight Hardy, yet.

As far as this "Leader" topic goes, I will not pretend to be Victor Vroom or Peter Drucker but as of this moment, this team does not have a floor leader. Jamal Branch was brought on board to provide that floor leadership and guide the team to a common goal-----to win. I was at the UNCA game and my guest, a former HS coach, asked a good question in the latter part of the second half.......why is Branch on the bench, while the team is falling apart? Our leader on the bench ( or should I say, standing at the far end in front of his coaches and not conferring with them) has to answer that question. Good luck getting a straight answer!

What games did Harrison cost us this year? You say he does things at the expense of others. Maybe I need to get my eyes checked or I'm watching another game. Would you rather Dom or Amir start stroking 18 ft jumpers? Sorry but if my best player looking for shots is being selfish when the rest of the team is offensively challenged in the half court then by god write selfish on his jersey as I'm all for it.

I agree about Branch. All 2nd half I was wondering why he wasn't playing more. Phil is obviously hurt as Lav mentioned prior to USF game. And while Branch is cute and gets sloppy he still can lead a team. remember Omar averaged 8 assists a game when he was here but he also averaged 5 TO's. Gotta take the bad with the good with dynamic PG's like that. I want to see more of it.

So what you are saying is that other than Harrison, the "rest of the team is offensively challenged in the half court" and this is OK in year 3 with 7 top 100 players on the team? Well, who is designing the half court offense with players not capable of playing it??
As for Harrison costing us a game, then you are welcome to re-watch the last minute of THIS game----if your eyes can take the 1930's porn quality picture supplied by ESPN3. In that short span, all the good offensive things he did were erased by two bad plays in the last 40 seconds......(1) was the devil-may-care drive to the basket where he was swallowed whole by the UNCA defense (Pointer committed a foul in the process by being out of position as usual) and a few seconds after that play where, acting like a PG, he passed the ball "straight." into the hands of a UNCA player.....game over....lights out! No time out by Lavin in that short haphazard period, just your best player committing the last two turnovers of the game.
But don't take my word for it, you can also view FUN's soliloquy on BigEastBoards about the last few minutes.

I'd rather point towards the final 20 minutes as opposed to the last 2 minutes to 'blame' someone for a loss. His pass to Greene was unexpected by the whole building. You go from saying he's selfish to now blaming him for a pass to Greene. Can't have it both ways man.

And where did I say its OK that the team full of Top 100 players is offensively challenged. Its a joke that they are. That we're clamoring for a PG to hope he can in turn make them live up to their billing.
Who is our leader?
Who was it last year?
Who was it in 2010?

I am one who feels Harrison is not a leader and I'm fine with that. I'd rather Lavin not force him to be a leader when its not in his personality.

What do y'all feel?

D'Lo exhibits no qualities of a leader. A leader does not get disciplined twice in 2 weeks. He does not talk back to the coach. He makes others around him better.
Harrison appears to be playing selfishly at times but lacking guys that are pure shooters, he is the best (and worst) of our offense. Karr is a magnificent athlete and a better talent but not mature enough to lead. I am hoping Branch fills that role sooner rather than later.

Harrison is playing selfishly?
Yeah see what happens when he doesn't, he passed the ball to Greene and it was intercepted. He is the only sure thing we have when the ball is in his hands. He has unlimited range and can draw plenty of fouls and hits a 85% clip. Karr is good threat as well but only in certain positions and areas of the court.

I'm dumbfounded as the amount of flak Harrison has taken lately. Maybe he doesn't want to be a leader. Nothing wrong with that. Lav shouldnt try to hammer the square into the circle.

Lets accept Harrison for who he is. A guy we should love to have on this team and hate if he was on the other.

As for the leader the closest we have now is Amir, Branch seems to be the leader to be and Karr I think has the potential to be.

First, I agree with you that Harrison is not the leader of this team....at this time. Maturity, or the lack of it, have a lot to do with that. You are also correct that he may not want to be the leader and rather just be the team's "star".

That said, if being the team's star, comes at the expense of the team, and its common goal....to win the game, then driving to the basket and forcing a shot, being blocked and forgetting that 2 of your teammates were in better scoring position is......quite simple put.....selfish. Harrison does this frequently as opposed to rarely. I will leave it to the coaches to teach him better judgment.

Right now he is a one-dimensional player who likes to get his points. His passing skills are almost underdeveloped at his stage (as you pointed out in his lazy pass at the end of the UNCA game). If Lavin intended to develop PG skills in D'Lo, it has failed to date. You may recall that when Dwight Hardy was a first year player as a junior, Norm used him at his natural 2 position and he excelled. When Lavin was hired he was moved to the PG position and he almost became the BE Player of the Year. Hardy's "leadership" trait was taking charge....effectively.....and that mental trait led St. John's to its first national ranking in years.....with Norm's recruits. As highly ranked as Harrison was 3 years ago in high school, I do not see him as our next Dwight Hardy, yet.

As far as this "Leader" topic goes, I will not pretend to be Victor Vroom or Peter Drucker but as of this moment, this team does not have a floor leader. Jamal Branch was brought on board to provide that floor leadership and guide the team to a common goal-----to win. I was at the UNCA game and my guest, a former HS coach, asked a good question in the latter part of the second half.......why is Branch on the bench, while the team is falling apart? Our leader on the bench ( or should I say, standing at the far end in front of his coaches and not conferring with them) has to answer that question. Good luck getting a straight answer!

What games did Harrison cost us this year? You say he does things at the expense of others. Maybe I need to get my eyes checked or I'm watching another game. Would you rather Dom or Amir start stroking 18 ft jumpers? Sorry but if my best player looking for shots is being selfish when the rest of the team is offensively challenged in the half court then by god write selfish on his jersey as I'm all for it.

I agree about Branch. All 2nd half I was wondering why he wasn't playing more. Phil is obviously hurt as Lav mentioned prior to USF game. And while Branch is cute and gets sloppy he still can lead a team. remember Omar averaged 8 assists a game when he was here but he also averaged 5 TO's. Gotta take the bad with the good with dynamic PG's like that. I want to see more of it.

So what you are saying is that other than Harrison, the "rest of the team is offensively challenged in the half court" and this is OK in year 3 with 7 top 100 players on the team? Well, who is designing the half court offense with players not capable of playing it??
As for Harrison costing us a game, then you are welcome to re-watch the last minute of THIS game----if your eyes can take the 1930's porn quality picture supplied by ESPN3. In that short span, all the good offensive things he did were erased by two bad plays in the last 40 seconds......(1) was the devil-may-care drive to the basket where he was swallowed whole by the UNCA defense (Pointer committed a foul in the process by being out of position as usual) and a few seconds after that play where, acting like a PG, he passed the ball "straight." into the hands of a UNCA player.....game over....lights out! No time out by Lavin in that short haphazard period, just your best player committing the last two turnovers of the game.
But don't take my word for it, you can also view FUN's soliloquy on BigEastBoards about the last few minutes.

I'd rather point towards the final 20 minutes as opposed to the last 2 minutes to 'blame' someone for a loss. His pass to Greene was unexpected by the whole building. You go from saying he's selfish to now blaming him for a pass to Greene. Can't have it both ways man.

And where did I say its OK that the team full of Top 100 players is offensively challenged. Its a joke that they are. That we're clamoring for a PG to hope he can in turn make them live up to their billing.

You asked what game could I point to Harrison as key to a loss and I told you.....the UNCA game in the last minute of play. The game was tied in that NY minute and his pass....that no one in the arena expected....sealed our fate. That he or Greene had the ball in their hands when our savior pg in waiting was glued to the bench was a head-scratcher. I can only assume that (a) a year of practicing with the team is not enough for Lavin to have confidence in Branch in situations such as being discussed (b) we have another over-hyped Lavin signee who will not be the answer or (3) Lavin and the rest of the coaching staff forgot they had a timeout to design a play...any play, other than the Harrison drive into 3 UNCA players or his pinpoint pass to a UNCA player.
Regardless, I expect a win against a Nova team not up to Nova standards.
One final note----thank God no one here thinks Dir Dom, at 21 minutes per game, playing utility positions on the team, is the perceived leader like Dave Krapinski opinioned on JJ! LMAO! He must be getting a cloudy reception on his TV in New Jersey. The trio of Greene, Garrett and Pointer are all playing below their potential thus far and none make any attempt to direct the offense and make others around them better which is the major trait of a leader in college ball.
One final note----thank God no one here thinks Dir Dom, at 21 minutes per game, playing utility positions on the team, is the perceived leader like Dave Krapinski opinioned on JJ!

I don't believe that was a typo on your part, '72.
One final note----thank God no one here thinks Dir Dom, at 21 minutes per game, playing utility positions on the team, is the perceived leader like Dave Krapinski opinioned on JJ!

I don't believe that was a typo on your part, '72.

After reading this thread Dave is going to use all his computer skills to search the IP addresses of all his members! LOL!
No Dave, I am not Mirabella, though I like her posts tremendously!
I give the man credit though! His Pointer choice as the "leader" made me realize he attends very few games and who can blame him with the tolls, parking, price of tickets and still having to show his ID at bars on 7th Ave to get served. Winky!
One final note----thank God no one here thinks Dir Dom, at 21 minutes per game, playing utility positions on the team, is the perceived leader like Dave Krapinski opinioned on JJ!

I don't believe that was a typo on your part, '72.

After reading this thread Dave is going to use all his computer skills to search the IP addresses of all his members! LOL!
No Dave, I am not Mirabella, though I like her posts tremendously!
I give the man credit though! His Pointer choice as the "leader" made me realize he attends very few games and who can blame him with the tolls, parking, price of tickets and still having to show his ID at bars on 7th Ave to get served. Winky!

Who is our leader?
Who was it last year?
Who was it in 2010?

I am one who feels Harrison is not a leader and I'm fine with that. I'd rather Lavin not force him to be a leader when its not in his personality.

What do y'all feel?

D'Lo exhibits no qualities of a leader. A leader does not get disciplined twice in 2 weeks. He does not talk back to the coach. He makes others around him better.
Harrison appears to be playing selfishly at times but lacking guys that are pure shooters, he is the best (and worst) of our offense. Karr is a magnificent athlete and a better talent but not mature enough to lead. I am hoping Branch fills that role sooner rather than later.

I dont want to blame players for leadership or lack thereof. That needs to come from the coach and his staff

Wrong big time...