Joel - Bright Spot

Joel is this weeks ESPN national player of the week. He deserves the attention

He has been spectacular.
As the article mentions he hasn't been getting the attention he deserves because of the teams poor performance.
It's happened too often with some great players of the past 30 year.
Hope that changes as this season moves on...
What a year he is having... so consistent each and every game.

I know a lot of teams can play this game... but had we retained Champ/Wheeler instead of Belo/Jones....with Joel's improvement... this is a top10 team.
What a year he is having... so consistent each and every game.

I know a lot of teams can play this game... but had we retained Champ/Wheeler instead of Belo/Jones....with Joel's improvement... this is a top10 team.
Would loved to have seen that, but I didn't think they meshed well.