It would be Nice

If those who have been crapping on Matt and other members of the staff would provide a little apology. Some of the remarks that have been made the last two months were over the top, at times malicious and occasionally down right ugly. I will not repeat the remarks but in the end of the day they were not appropriate as Matt came up real big with Wilson and Dixon.
I'm waiting.

Agree with the sentiment completely, but unless you are with the guy 24/7, you aren't qualified to comment on how he recruits, except by the results. I tool exception to all the knocks on a former coach by many respected people on here (including you) because you simply do not know what a guy is doing or thinking. For all you know a recruiter could be home memorizing the names of a kid's siblings and parents, finding out what teachers thought of the kid, working the phones, etc. He could be thinking morning, noon, and night about how to break through and get in a kid's head. Every single comment about how our coaches recruit or work is all second hand - "I know so and so who works in the office and he says", "I know so and so who is the volleyball coach and he says..."

All that matters in the end are results. I'd take a guy who works 10 hours per week but sells top 25 recruits in bunches over a guy who works 100 hours per week who reels in small fish. I know some people in the know, but even the people in the know know little some times.