The OP and a few others on here are the reason why NY sports fans are some of the worst in the country. The easiest job in the world is an armchair GM. Monday morning quarterback. No one is ever able to actually take a situation for what it really is, and actually analyze it. If a player goes through a slump, he sucks. He doesn't try hard. He's not as good as we thought. A team has a few bad games and the coach sucks. Everyone sucks. Fire everyone.
After Eli Mannings first 3 years, Giants fans were ready to get rid of him. He was a bust. Should've kept Rivers. Now Giants fans are debating whether or not hes a HOFer. Six weeks ago most Giants fans said the season was over and wanted the entire coaching staff gone. Not too many feel that way now, huh?
Last year, Steve Lavin was coach of the year and we were thinking about the day he makes Looie's "526" banner irrelevant. He got a team that never accomplished a damn thing in their college careers as high as a top 15 team in the nation. He got the #2 recruiting class in the nation. He began turning the program from mom-and-pop to an actual big time college program. He did this with cancer. He did this in under 12 months on the job. Now, we're doubting coach Lavin. We're giving him medical advice, and coaching advice. We're telling him what he NEEDS to do.
Seriously, you bitching and moaning about this extremely unfortunate and unforeseen situation that this program was put into this year doesn't make you a "realist." It makes you an annoying troll, to put it very, very nicely.
I understand that this is a message board, and the whole point of a message board is to express one's opinions. But I can't take people like you seriously. It's fans like you that make the rest of the country hate NYers. And frankly, it's fans like you who don't deserve a winning team.
Oh Jesus, coudl you be anymore ignorant? Every fanbase has a "what have you done for me lately" attitude and plays Monday Morning QB. Are you really that insane to think this is only prevelant amongst New Yorkers?
Lavin did a great job last season...FANTASTIC job. But this year we are left with 6 recruits....6 RECRUITS. I don't care how daunting the task was, the coaching staff has not done a great job this season. I can't take people like YOU seriously who always fail to take the blinders off even when we're coming off back-to-back blowouts on our "home court" and after ANOTHER player has left the team.
We've had two kids ineligble, two recruits decommitt, and three players transfer. Just because the task at hand was difficult doesn't mean we should be happy with average results.