I do agree we would likely all get along in person, but you seem to champion the idea of maturity and wisdom yet you call me "Medium T shirt guy" like a 2nd grader, someone else tells me to watch my mouth, and I'm called a D bag that never had any adversity. That is the opposite of maturity and wisdom. A mature person doesn't try to press someone's buttons time and time again luring conflict. A mature person also doesn't tell another grown man to watch his mouth. No one on here is my mother. My points were valid anyway...I dare you to not go to college and find a good paying, secure, and satisfying job with a strong resume. Is it expensive? Hell yes. No argument there. Is it necessary? Yes. Do you want to go through license programs be a plumber, barber, mechanic, etc.? Then you don't need it. That's not what most people aspire to be though. Do you really want to tell your kid "Hey, don't go to college!"? Many kids would slack off knowing they didn't have to go to college if they didn't want to...is that a good idea? Knowing you are going to college is what makes your GPA and classes so important in HS. Without college in the near future, all they would do is barely pass. College is where you make tons of new friends, have your own space living away from your parents, experiment, debate, contemplate, gain knowledge, new perspectives, etc. Is this something kids should miss out on? In my mind, college makes a person much more well-rounded than someone who never went even if they are successful.