It was clear after a while that the “40 minutes” was more a slogan than a consistent part of the Defense. I don’t think fully implemented it would have meant squat. One of our weaknesses is the inability to get back to defend when doubling, leading to killer threes by opponents. You can bully weaker teams, but the good ones are prepared for the press and take advantage of it more often than not.
Related to this is how poor we often defend in the half court, unnecessarily doubling anyone with the ball to generate steals leading to open guys. Doubling a gifted post guy is one thing, a lesser player another. Lastly, something that drives me crazy is our guys consistently trying to poke the ball from behind, a low % play if done too much creating 5 on 4 situations. This habit is allowed with this helter skelter approach to defending. A guy like Curbelo functions as a free safety essentially guarding no one. What successful team spurns solid on the ball D for freelancing? None!
CMA’s rep as a D guru is folk lore imo and the team spurns discipline for ratty basketball defensively