How many times a day

It depends! In season I’d say once or twice a day but if there’s something exciting going on much more (Last few days somewhere between 10 and a billion x a day) Off season I can go weeks btwn checking. Same thing for if the team is on a big losing streak. I’ll still watch all the games but I’m moody and won’t really engage here or on social media if I’m feeling like a ball of negativity.
It really varies. During the off-season when things are settled and we have a definitive roster and coaching staff I rarely visit the site. Once the season approaches I begin to visit the site regularly. When things are up in the air (like with coaching changes or recruiting players, transfers etc.) or after I attend games during the season I am on the site multiple times a day. Obviously, once it became clear that a coaching change was imminent I was visiting the site constantly.

The site is a great resource and there are many posters who have incredible knowledge and perspective that make it a wonderful resource for a big SJU fan like myself.
If I'm sitting at my desk, I usually have a tab opened to it and will go into it at least a few times a day.
40 year fan - I got into this site after CRP was hired and log into the site at least 3 times a day. I used to participate on the Rumble in the Garden site but that was destroyed by a troll who just wanted to bad mouth CRP and talk about how great Anderson was. Unfortunately, the others took his bait and it became very hard to read all of the non-sense going back and forth. I love this site and plan to donate this week!