How Many Times A Day Have You Been On This Site.......

I was checking a lot after we got Pitino, but have dialed it way back the last few weeks.

There is a small batch of posters who make reading this site at times worst than having a root canal surgery.

They have a right to their opinions but when you get the same complaining on every page of every thread it gets tiresome real quick. And to think we we haven’t played one game yet with new regime.

Let’s go Redmen.
It would be nice, and appreciated, if those enjoying the use of this site were to contribute an appropriate amount to help carry the cost to operate and maintain our great site.
Thanks in advance. :)

The individuals that come to this site multiple times a day but fail to voluntarily contribute anything to assist Paul in meeting his operating expenses are likely the ones who head to the bathroom when the lunch check is about to arrive at the table hoping the others at the table will pick up the tab.
The individuals that come to this site multiple times a day but fail to voluntarily contribute anything to assist Paul in meeting his operating expenses are likely the ones who head to the bathroom when the lunch check is about to arrive at the table hoping the others at the table will pick up the tab.
I have picked up the pace since I’ve received Authority from Kranmars to police the Paragraph Violators .