Holiday Festival-shadow of its former self

I remember using my high school G.O. card to get into Knicks' games at the Garden for $.50.

The lineup: Walt Bellamy at center, Willis Reed (the twin towers) and Dick Van Ardsdale forwards, Howie Komives and Dick Barnett guards, can't remember too many other players on those pre-Dave Debuschere teams.

Then of course the all time GREAT trade with the Pistons for Dave D. giving up Walt and Howie and allowing Willis to move to his natural center position. The rest was history when the draft Saluki Walt Frazier.

Haven't much rooted for the Knicks since '73, lost any interest in the NBA a long time ago except for semi-following favorite St. John's and Big East players.

Nice post. Aside from the passion of rooting for the Knicks as a kid as opposed to being an adult, I never could bring myself to totally warm up to the same Patrick Ewing SJU fans hated for 4 years. Some of his standoffish behavior contributed to that, but totally rooting for Ewing as a Knick felt like betraying St. Johns and I couldn't bring myself to it.