There is no one more misunderstood on this forum than me. My huge support and emotions for this team are taken as "being whiny", "being annoying", "being negative", etc. every day. Thank you for pointing out how ridiculous it is to create manifestos singling out one specific poster. That is not a popular view on this board. Many people even decided to jump in and get their shots in rather than calling it stupid and immature like you imply. The problem with this forum is that there is a bunch of tight-knit people who only allow one POV to be taken seriously in regards to this team. That prevents people who are passively reading from not ever wanting to post, because they see what I went through. If I post things trying to spark legitimate conversation, it gets rejected as "stupid", "pointless", and "ridiculous". The only reason I stay here is for the information regarding this team and being able to see updates way before ESPN can announce them.