Happy Birthday Kevin Loughery

He also coached the two time ABA champion Nets w/Dr.J and, on the first team, Billy Paultz. They were a really fun team to watch

Watching Kevin coach those teams was special. Thought he was a good coach back then. But other than with the ABA Nets, he never had much success as a HC. Of course having Dr. J, Mr. K, Super John, Brian Taylor, etc didn't hurt his coaching abilities none. Hard to believe that Louie is in the Nets HOF and Kevin isn't.
My friend and I went to many of those games at Nassau Coliseum. We ran into Kevin at Sam Goody's in the Huntington Mall during those days and he was very friendly and personable during a lengthily discussion of both the Nets and Johnnies.
Just curious if anyone here knows. It appears to me that he has had no public contact with SJU over the past 30 years. I've never seen him at an event or heard of him being at our school even once. Does anyone here have any knowledge of that?

Also, having graduated in 1962, i guess he didnt attend the wueens campus?

Also didn't realize he transferred here from b.c. does anyone here remember him as a hs player?
Happy Birthday Kevin!

A great Redmen, NYC through-and-through. One of our own like Mullin.

My memories were Kevin with the Bullets and the intense rivalries he had with the Knicks and those great battles, he could hold his own. Don't remember him with the Johnnies, I was not into SJU until the late 60's and of course in 1971 when I applied to the Brooklyn campus, then followed it to SI.

Remember back in those days, radio was the main way to follow your NBA team, the coverage was very sparse, so commentators didn't mention much about anyone back then. The Knicks first championship game versus the Lakers, I listened to on radio, I think channel 9 had it the next day on tape delay.

I did hear someone I think Marv Albert or someone that Kevin was a St. John's man. Early memory of another great NBA player was Leroy Ellis. Made me proud, I think an uncle that was a double SJU grad might have mentioned them to me.

Kevin maybe like my uncle and unfortunately like so many city kids, first in their family to go to college, working stiffs, busy with night school and young families, didn't stay connected and don't give back to the University. Very sad.

We'd be a much stronger university if alums felt more connected.
Didn't he do some announcing on CBS NBA years ago?

Yes, but went back to coaching. I recall that he was a pretty good analyst ... but, oh, that Brooklyn accent!

"Da Bronx" actually

Bottom line: he's real bi-lierate New Yawker -- Brooklyn born, Bronx bred, and can say "deez," "dem" and "doze" in either dialect.

As Professor Bob Shepherd stressed in his class we must all learn to speak "phonetically correct". Although, I have been told the old New Yawk accent is being heard less and less. I grew up in Queens but my parents were from Brooklyn and the old man changed the "earl" in the car. I will say I miss it sometimes.
Kevin was an all city selection from Cardinal Hayes in 1958. He attended BC for a year. At that time freshmen couldn't play varsity ball. In the summer of 59 Kevin gets involved in a minor brawl at Jones Beach and unfortuely for him his name ends up in Newsday.
I have no idea if this event influenced his leaving BC but that fall he is attending SJU at Bklyn.
Kevin was an all city selection from Cardinal Hayes in 1958. He attended BC for a year. At that time freshmen couldn't play varsity ball. In the summer of 59 Kevin gets involved in a minor brawl at Jones Beach and unfortuely for him his name ends up in Newsday.
I have no idea if this event influenced his leaving BC but that fall he is attending SJU at Bklyn.

I read that as a HS senior, Kevin feel in love with the girl (then a HS frosh) whom he would go on to marry after he graduated SJU and went to the NBA. So being able to be close to his girlfriend might have had something to do with his transfer from BC.
Didn't he do some announcing on CBS NBA years ago?

Yes, but went back to coaching. I recall that he was a pretty good analyst ... but, oh, that Brooklyn accent!

"Da Bronx" actually

Bottom line: he's real bi-lierate New Yawker -- Brooklyn born, Bronx bred, and can say "deez," "dem" and "doze" in either dialect.

As Professor Bob Shepherd stressed in his class we must all learn to speak "phonetically correct". Although, I have been told the old New Yawk accent is being heard less and less. I grew up in Queens but my parents were from Brooklyn and the old man changed the "earl" in the car. I will say I miss it sometimes.

You brought a smile to my face, sjc88. My own father (who'd be well over a 100 if he were alive today) used to call linoleum "earlcloth." I've more or less managed to lose the accent (which never included "earlcloth"), but it's easy to slip back into. In fact, my girlfriend of many years can always tell when I've spent time with my old Bronx buddies. In addition to saying things like "cawfee" and "cairsle" (as in Castle Hill), the whole rhythm of my speech changes. But Kevin's accent ran deep.
Back in 1962, St John's came to my HS for a clinic and scrimmage. Joe Lapchick was the Coach and the team had LeRoy Ellis, Loughery, possibly, Ivan Kovacs,Willie Hall and, maybe Tony Jackson. what a thrill! Lapchick ran the whole night.

Loughery would have been a great player if he was here for 4 years and not 2 after transferring from BC.. He was a excellent pro player and a deadly shooter.
Kevin was an all city selection from Cardinal Hayes in 1958. He attended BC for a year. At that time freshmen couldn't play varsity ball. In the summer of 59 Kevin gets involved in a minor brawl at Jones Beach and unfortuely for him his name ends up in Newsday.
I have no idea if this event influenced his leaving BC but that fall he is attending SJU at Bklyn.

Kevin spent 2 years at BC. I year on the varsity.
Back in 1962, St John's came to my HS for a clinic and scrimmage. Joe Lapchick was the Coach and the team had LeRoy Ellis, Loughery, possibly, Ivan Kovacs,Willie Hall and, maybe Tony Jackson. what a thrill! Lapchick ran the whole night.

Loughery would have been a great player if he was here for 4 years and not 2 after transferring from BC.. He was a excellent pro player and a deadly shooter.

Westchesterjoe, great memory to have. (P.S. Tony Jackson graduated in 1961.)
Accents, well growing up in Flatbush we had some doozies.

"berl the erl" for Boil the Oil. "tirty tirt' street for 33rd street. on and on.

SJU had it's share, al Maguire had the accent, as did kevin Loughery and Chris too, one of the reasons why he didn't last on ESPN I think.

One of my funniest moments, when as a SJU freshmen ('71-'72) me and buddies drive to Daytona FL on Spring break, we drop into a roadside joint for food in some dumpy NC town, and the entire left side of the place, one by one moved over to the other side of the restaurant. I asked one of the people there and they said they were "afraid of New Yorkers" figured we had switchblades, etc., and she meant it. Believe me, a bunch of dopes from Nazareth HS, we were not menacing.
My Dad just called and asked if I could come over to fix his 'terlet'. Flushings own....