[quote="mjmaherjr" post=302790]Mullin thread locked but let’s just address one thing getting personal. Beast brought up good points sometimes we all get personal with criticism. 72 brought up good points too people got flat out nasty with Lavin way overboard and some unfounded like Mullin. We just had a an excellent win we will have struggles. I’m guilty of getting personal Mullins first year ( I don’t regret one scorers table comment but I made drinking Perrier comments on the sideline I was so angry ) in hindsight I 100% regret that part because he drinks that stuff for a reason and I’m sorry for even bringing that up but you love and you learn. Not all knocks are personal and we have right to express opinion but just like we shouldn’t knock posters in a personal way we should do staff same respect. Another thing I have been guilty of is joking Matt’s height. It is what it is and I don’t have bad intentions but I apologize for that .at the same time the condescending stuff to other posters including younger ones needs to stop. We are all fans and we are all in this together. Opposing views are great and I love watching arguing but the bettervthan thou stuff and knocking people we all including me have to stop. We gotta bunch of great guys here let’s keep it that way. Just my opinion[/quote]
That was my point essentially. We are all human, and at times get carried away with over the top criticisms of players or coaches. I've said dozens of times Lavin wasn't really my kind of guy, and his record here was kind if glass half full, but where he lived, ate, even his wife, fathers death, or cancer were fair game here by more than a couple of posters.
I do believe that what separates rooting for sju and a professional team is wide. First off, these are kids, unpaid and students - not pros. Secondly we are mostly alums and as such are part of a community. Sju's alumni is not one of the strongest and for many of us, basketball is our only connection to the school. Which is sad in a way. We are fortunate enough to have a coach who was recruited by everyone as a kid but chose here. We are fortunate enough that sju means so much to him that he moved his entire family east to try to fix this broken basketball program. With no resume to coach, he made a big mistake w his biggest hire, not on paper but in perfomance. To his credit tho, he hired matt and greg. Maybe even mitch is working out after all.
Is it perfect? Of course not. For years we have cherry picked the very best of the best and proclaimed them as would be better hires. - Calipari, Pitino, donovan, etc. All would have been gone by now, all would have cost a lot more, and as least 2 of those guys are sleazy as shit. Today Hurley is flavor if the week, as if he would have even not bolted for uconn's name your price hire.
All that doesn't even matter. Even some mods think that personal swipes at our hc are acceptable and have let repeated accusations and allegations persist at times. If you recall Paul had to step in and say Mullin was on campus when alleged to be far away because Paul's son had just interviewed him for a documentary. Still the notion was resurrected, as fake news does.
I've liked every single one if you I've met in person - even tried to arrange to meet people like tom.in s., paul, or fuchsia in my travels.
Social media makes beasts of us all, and its maybe a crazy expectation to expect that mostly older men behave differently than the nastiness children display on line.
Thanks mj, for your post. Esp the perrier comment - I know a bunch if those guys, and all have climbed mountains to stay sober. Literally and figuratively i look up to them, and your comment reminds me of that