Mean Gene" post=414436 said:Good move by Andersen to go into a zone
I had just mentioned to myself about going zone.
Mean Gene" post=414436 said:Good move by Andersen to go into a zone
I had just mentioned to myself about going zone.
MJDinkins" post=414439 said:Mean Gene" post=414436 said:Good move by Andersen to go into a zone
I had just mentioned to myself about going zone.
Doesn't count! /media/kunena/emoticons/wink.png/media/kunena/emoticons/smile.png
He is the only one that sets screens.Delaware" post=414441 said:What did the staff see in the Toro videos?
redmannorth" post=414445 said:The score would really be appreciated. Can't get the game in Canada or on red storm
thankd in advance, much appreciated.
45-34, Johnnies.
He has a shot at the NBA and will definitely have a long pro career. Could be the first player to average 15 rpg in over 40 years.Knight" post=414444 said:Aimaq with 8 rebounds at the half.
redmannorth" post=414445 said:The score would really be appreciated. Can't get the game in Canada or on red storm
thankd in advance, much appreciated.
we are up 45-34
Knight" post=414448 said:He is the only one that sets screens.Delaware" post=414441 said:What did the staff see in the Toro videos?
Didn't realize that he was the "screen" specialist. Lol