Paultz, respectfully perhaps Pitino should do something more than "clamor" for better defense. It has been evident in multiple games this season that he is willing to keep trying to pound square pegs into round holes. Maybe they will eventually turn into round pegs, but if I were him I would give at least some consideration to, I dunno, doing something different. If the players you brought in can't defend in the system you want to play, maybe you have to be at least somewhat flexible if you want to win games.
The fact that he flat out quit on the BC game with 2 minutes to go when it was still possible to make a run was not an encouraging sign.
I understand that he has a roster (that he put together) that has some deficiencies (no shade, he did well to get what he got), but you gotta work with the team you have, not the team you wish you had.
Fordham is scrappy, as is Hofstra. There are no more games on the schedule that can be taken for granted. The players have to kick in - but so does the coach.