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Beast, you're way off base. The chairman of a major department at BC told me that the Jesuits of the Boston Province consider HC the hidden gem and academically more rigorous than BC. He told my child if she got into both schools (and she did) to go to Holy Cross. For one thing, the level of scholarship measured by student time spent on studies and homework is much higher at HC than BC. I have a relative and a close friend, the relative has three sons, one went to BC, one went to Harvard and one went to HC, the HC graduate worked harder than the other two and ended up with a more advanced career. The close friend has four adult children two went to Harvard and two went to HC, in his opinion the two that went to HC ended up with a more well-rounded and superior education to the two who went to Harvard.

Your anecdote about the 3 recent graduates of HC who didn't like their experience runs counter to all of the objective reporting about alumni satisfaction, where HC is among the highest in the country when it comes to giving back to their undergraduate college.

When I was head of our department's graduate program, our number one target (albeit unsuccessfully) was Holy Cross.
Beast, you're way off base. The chairman of a major department at BC told me that the Jesuits of the Boston Province consider HC the hidden gem and academically more rigorous than BC. He told my child if she got into both schools (and she did) to go to Holy Cross. For one thing, the level of scholarship measured by student time spent on studies and homework is much higher at HC than BC. I have a relative and a close friend, the relative has three sons, one went to BC, one went to Harvard and one went to HC, the HC graduate worked harder than the other two and ended up with a more advanced career. The close friend has four adult children two went to Harvard and two went to HC, in his opinion the two that went to HC ended up with a more well-rounded and superior education to the two who went to Harvard.

Your anecdote about the 3 recent graduates of HC who didn't like their experience runs counter to all of the objective reporting about alumni satisfaction, where HC is among the highest in the country when it comes to giving back to their undergraduate college.

Are you trying to convince me, or yourself? It's a great school and I've said that. Look at all the metrics in US world review and HC trails BC, slightly in many, but still trails. No doubt you have to be a top student to get in, and HC grads do well in their careers. For the record, Scranton makes some really great claims about the % of pre-med majors getting into med school and other impressive stats, but no one confuses that school with Georgetown. It may be a hidden gem, but they still offer admission to 45% of applicants, as opposed to BC's under 30%. Hidden gem usually results in less kids applying there, and as a result, slightly less academically qualified than those accepted at BC, Gtown, and ND.
btw, Beast, the right facts are:: the number of acceptance is 37% not 45% for HC, but of course BC gets tons of applicants because of their name and football program and location in Boston, much more desirable than Worcester. So they get to turn down many more unqualified candidates. Good for them.
Admissions stats to Villanova and The College of the Holy Cross are nearly identical except for # of applicants:

Math ....................... 630-740
Reading/ Writing ..... 650-730
ACT ........................,...29-32
Total applicants .......16,206
Enrolled ...................1,700

Holy Cross
Math ....................... 640-720
Reading/ Writing ..... 650-730
ACT ........................, 28-31
Total applicants ..........6,693
Enrolled ........................765
Applied early decision ..477
Admitted early decision. 347

Note that Holy Cross has binding Early Decision; Over 45% of the entry class for Holy Cross is admitted through binding Early Decision. Villanova does not have biding Early Decision.

Source: The College Board

Good job. Very close indeed with slight edge to Nova. I am curious as to cross applications. I know for BC the top 10 schools their students applied to are 8 ivys, gtown and nova.

Hey Otis, how do BC statistics match up?

Math ....................... 630-740
Reading/ Writing ..... 650-730
ACT ........................,...29-32
Total applicants .......16,206
Enrolled ...................1,700
No early decision

Holy Cross
Math ....................... 640-720
Reading/ Writing ..... 650-730
ACT ........................, 28-31
Total applicants ..........6,693
Enrolled ........................765
Applied early decision ..477
Admitted early decision.. 347
early decision admissions rate 72.7%

Boston College
Math ....................... 660-760
Reading/ Writing ..... 680-750
ACT ........................,...33-38
Total applicants ........28,956
Enrolled ................... 2,359
No early decision

source: The College Board