Politicians and the NRA make me sick. I’m not being political it’s the truth. Common sense if you can’t drink legslly till you are 21 why should you buy a gun before then. It won’t solve much but special interest groups on BOTH sides of the aisle are the downfall of America
Why do people quickly mention the NRA?? The paying members of the NRA are not shooting ANYONE!
They merely support 2nd amendment rights politicians.
Individual states establish gun ownership rules. This happened in NY which has some of the strictest gun laws in America coupled with Red Flag background checks.
Less than 1% of gun deaths are by mass shootings and only a handful were committed with assault rifles.
Over FIFTY PERCENT of gun deaths are by suicide.
Most of the other deaths are committed in inner city neighborhoods with illegal guns. Just Google the weekly gun deaths in Chicago, Washington DC and Baltimore and you will come to realize that the problem is not a certain political party that most point fingers to.
The problem is illegal guns and soft on crime district attorneys.
Our young Americans under the age of 21 are serving in the military. Age is also not the problem.
The legal age to buy a gun in Ireland is sixteen.
This country is mired in a culture of violence that young people are exposed to and groomed from childhood.
Check the violent video games involving shootings.
Check your hip hop culture.
Every single day and night on television violence is a major part of the plot.
This country needs a cultural and moral revolution.