Dalton etc

I just popped in to this thread to see what it was about and it makes no damn sense at all. Probably made sense where it originally was, though.

No.  No it did not. 
MJDinkins" post=410857 said:
Beast of the East" post=410854 said:
Monte, Ralph Dalton was working ft in the post office where John Thompson first met him and asked if he ever played basketball.   

Dalton was actually highly recruited in the Class of '80.  John Thompson convinced him to attend prep school, which he did, and he came in with Ewing, Billy Martin, and Anthony Jones (who later transferred to UNLV) for the #1 rated class of '81.  

Dalton received an extra year (his last year was the '85-'86 season) as he had an injry during his freshman season.  

I believe you're referring to Ronnie Highsmith, who was stationed at Ft. Lee, VA in the Army when Craig Esherick came to visit.  

I know I am late to the party but I believe it might be Ed Spriggs who Beast is speaking about. Ed was working as a doorman at a hotel in DC when John Thompson met him. 
he was a senior when Ewing was a freshman. 
Getting back on topic....

So we wind up with this thread but the vaccine thread, where people were actually sharing what I felt was some important information is gone?  smh
Even Andy Dalton couldn't mess up the giants today. Hopefully Washington goes down tonight
Anthony Mattia" post=410942 said:
So we wind up with this thread but the vaccine thread, where people were actually sharing what I felt was some important information is gone?  smh
Go look in the Players Lounge