First chance I've had to acknowledge this thread - spent the day getting a feeding tube implanted, they 8 hrs of Chemo (FUN!).
All the thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. I hadn't intended to bring my problems to the boards, but started noticing the tone in a few of my recent posts has been a tad, shall we say, bi-polar. I try not to be negative in posting, but the last couple weeks I'd been noticing some external situations impacting some of my responses (I find I'm hitting submit before I have a chance to calm down and temper some comments). So I mentioned it just so you might allow me a mulligan or two if I slip up in posting the next couple months.
I continue to be impressed by the quality of fans on the St. Johns boards and the obvious love of college basketball that your school has nurtured in its fans - it makes it a joy to have Redmen and JJ to look forward to every day as I go thru this. (I'm afraid there are going to be days I don't have the strength to deal with the negativity of my UCLA brethren on those boards - one "bi-polar" day and I may end up banned over there!) Man, hoops season can't get here fast enuf!
Once again, my sincere thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.