And remember before the season even started people on here were wondering why he wasn`t recruited more, well I guess there`s a reason for everything huh? Seems like all hype just like Bourgault. If he was a Kerr/Paxson why can`t he shoot the second he catches it and hit the 3. Those 2 could do that.
I know you're not gonna compare Bourgault to two guys who were very, good collegiate players, who went on to have solid NBA careers. You're trying to compare Bourgault to what those two did once they were in the NBA. Check out what Kerr and Paxson did in college.
Maybe, Bourgault wasn't the player we were hoping, but let's allow the season to play out before officially writing him off.
All I`m saying is if the kid is that good that Lavin compared him to those those two ( which might of put to much pressure on him) then shoot the freaking ball. The rim is the same size as in France right, the basket is 10 feet there right? So if he`s a that good a shooter then just shoot it and stop hesitating. If he hit it there then he should be able to shoot here. The defenders are on him like glue over here right? Don`t you think they would be on him like glue over there as well? no excuses just shoot the freaking ball.
Strange he does not Give Marco more time But Marco doesnt not move enough without the ball to free himself
Think Sanchez and Branch make our season and turn this team around If not we are in trouble
How about Marco plays more then 5 minutes a game! Jones only played 4, I don't get the rotation, shouldn't these games be used to get these guys some minutes so they are ready for BE play if called upon?
Also, can we set some screens to get D'lo and Marco? Seems our halfcourt offense has turned into a one on one fest.