Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump

If Trump is stopped which is a big if, I think the nominee will be Paul Ryan with either Nikki Haley or Rubio as VP. Ryan is the unifying center for the current GOP and will beat Hillary but I believe his economic approaches are disastrous and will have us all crying at the Laffer curve damage done to most Americans.

Not too late for Ryan to run?

Delegate commitments are for first ballot votes. If Trump looks like he must be stopped or general election will be lost, and perhaps Senate majority, expect all out effort to stop first ballot victory, and then brokered convention. My bet is that all other current candidates are off the board for the top spot and Ryan emerges as unifying figure already vetted by VP run with Romney. I think Ryan is scary from the policy side.
If Trump is stopped which is a big if, I think the nominee will be Paul Ryan with either Nikki Haley or Rubio as VP. Ryan is the unifying center for the current GOP and will beat Hillary but I believe his economic approaches are disastrous and will have us all crying at the Laffer curve damage done to most Americans.

Not too late for Ryan to run?

Delegate commitments are for first ballot votes. If Trump looks like he must be stopped or general election will be lost, and perhaps Senate majority, expect all out effort to stop first ballot victory, and then brokered convection. My bet is that all other current candidates are off the board for the top spot and Ryan emerges as unifying figure already vetted by VP run with Romney. I think Ryan is scary from the policy side.

Ryan is scary from every side.
There are huge numbers of Americans who believe the Earth is a few thousand years old too, or other dilusional ideas- too many to quantify. The sad fact is that politics have become so compromised by money that people would rather vote for a Reality TV star than elect someone who had a sunstantitive message.