.... Jim Pellow COO who made around $700,000 ....
Do you have a link to confirm that allegation?
.... Jim Pellow COO who made around $700,000 ....
http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2011/111/630/2011-111630830-083f6a13-9.pdf. Otis try the link above to read the 2011 IRS 990 form for SJU. Guide star provides tax return info for various non profits Dr Jim Pellow total comp fiscal year 7/1/10 till 6/30/11 was $752,507
Linked is a news article which appeared in the South China Morning Post regarding this mess.
For a variety of reasons, I have not been aware of this situation. I just now read the entire NY Magazine article and I am absolutely outraged. This is a huge embarrassment to the University and to alumni everywhere, including me. What astounds me most of all is that Harrington and Wile are still in their current roles. They both should be suspended immediately, and Wile without pay, until this latest investigation is over.
I am not a major donor to the University, but if I were, my donations would stop immediately. And if I had made a pledge, that would not take place until all involved are held accountable.
It's only a matter of time before this becomes a major news event in the tr-state area, and even a major national news event. This is a scandal and an example of corruption rarely seen at a University level.
I know I'm late to this discussion, and I'm sure a lot of what I've said has already been said, but I am angry and upset about this. What will be worse is if this outside investigator determines that technically, St. John's did nothing illegal. People need to be held accountable. And now.
For a variety of reasons, I have not been aware of this situation. I just now read the entire NY Magazine article and I am absolutely outraged. This is a huge embarrassment to the University and to alumni everywhere, including me. What astounds me most of all is that Harrington and Wile are still in their current roles. They both should be suspended immediately, and Wile without pay, until this latest investigation is over.
I am not a major donor to the University, but if I were, my donations would stop immediately. And if I had made a pledge, that would not take place until all involved are held accountable.
It's only a matter of time before this becomes a major news event in the tr-state area, and even a major national news event. This is a scandal and an example of corruption rarely seen at a University level.
I know I'm late to this discussion, and I'm sure a lot of what I've said has already been said, but I am angry and upset about this. What will be worse is if this outside investigator determines that technically, St. John's did nothing illegal. People need to be held accountable. And now.
The inaccurate part of recent articles say that there is a new investigation into Harrington and Wile's behavior. There is NOT new investigation, but there is a review of what was already discovered and testimony presented.
The 28 board of trustee members (except for clergy) were appointed to the board because of their extraordinary generosity to the university regarding cash donations. BOT positions are prestigious, but also tenuous, since Harrington can replace any member at any point in time. Even if every board member wanted Harrington out, he likely could dissolve the board and appoint new members, so long as Vincentian leadership didn't remove him.
If there was a single issue regarding FH's behavior, it could be chalked up to a single instance of bad judgment. Let's say not reporting the envelopes filled with cash, but still being able to show a record of charitable acts done with the cash, I'd be okay with it. Let's say he brought Wile up through the ranks agressively, but showed a ton of success along the way, then acquired the academic credentials that would be expected of such a position. I'd be okay with that. Let's say Harrington accepted a watch in order not to embarrass a donor from a culture where gift giving is expected, then gave the proceeds of the sale of the watch to Bread and Life. I'd be okay with that. Let's say Wile and Harrington entered a private real estate venture together against FHs vow of poverty, but donated the proceeds to SJu students with extraordinary financial needs. I'd be fine with that.
Some of the other stuff - like a beach vacation taken by a 58 year old priest with a 25 year old male subordinate, is too bizarre for words, girlfriend present or not.. The excuse that FH was greiving the loss of his father is jsut too lame for words.
Like most scandals in the Catholic Church, clergy just sticks their heads in the sand, and hopes that when they come up for air, all is forgotten. In this case, they may be right, but I hope not.