Oct. 14, 2015
Head Coach Chris Mullin...
On building a coaching staff:
"Acquiring Matt (Abdelmassih) and Barry (Rohrssen) were my first two priorities, because of their experience in college basketball. It was not only for their recruiting [knowledge] but also for their experience holding different roles with other programs. After [Matt and Slice] my focus was on development. Greg (St. Jean) worked with me in Sacramento. I just saw how the guys gravitated towards him, not only personally, but also on the court."
On getting into coaching:
"I've been thinking about coaching for the past few years. For me, the biggest struggle was moving my family. The basketball part was a natural fit. I felt comfortable coming back to New York and St. John's."
On Hall of Fame Coach Lou Carnesecca's influence:
"I tell people all the time, Coach Carnesecca was my coach but he's also much more than that [to me]. I met him when I was 12. I went to his camps as a kid and he's had a tremendous influence on my life. A lot of things I'm trying to do are similar to what he did on and off the court.
On Coach Carnesecca's advice:
"He's given me 40 years of advice. Probably the biggest thing is the way he lives his life. Coach is humble, honest and has a great sense of humor, which I think is important in sports. All the fundamentals that I'm trying to pass on to the team are really from Coach Carnesecca."
On the team's work ethic:
"I've been really happy with the team's work ethic. I think we play really unselfishly. We have to keep working hard over the next month to prepare for the season."
On helping the newcomers adjust to St. John's:
"Each guy is a little different. Some guys will adjust quicker than others, but the biggest thing for me is getting 10 new guys on the same page."
On the type of kids St. John's wants to recruit:
"At St. John's we really want kids who are unselfish. We want players that play up-tempo [basketball] and work hard."
On recruiting college players:
"I hired two great guys who have great experience in the recruiting area. I really let them dictate where I go and what I do. I follow the elite, that's why I hired them. My experience in the NBA has served me well, because we do a lot of recruiting in the NBA. Believe it or not, even when you sign a guy to a $100 million contract you still are recruiting them. I have found a lot more similarities than differences."
On the culture at St. John's:
"I'm trying to establish a culture of hard work, unselfishness, dedication and discipline. The skill development will come. The most important advice I can share now is what worked for me as a player: physical conditioning, mental approach and skill development."
On Durand Johnson:
"Obviously, his experience shows. He has confidence and will probably be one of our leaders. His energy is infectious in practice, he's competitive in the right way, he's a hard worker and he leads by example."
On Federico Mussini and Marcus LoVett playing at the same time:
"I think they're going to be really good together. They play well off each other, both have high basketball IQs and the game comes easy to them. They're natural ball movers and unselfish."
On the confidence of the team:
"Preparation is everything. Results are going to vary, but confidence comes from preparation and being ready."
On the freshmen class:
"They're all doing fine. We've been practicing for a week [now] and they have all had their moments. I'm pleased with all of them. The only downside is they don't have experience, but that is something we'll go through together."
On the shape of the BIG EAST:
"I think it's a great league. The BIG EAST was known originally for its inaugural teams and it didn't change as the rivalries built up. Now we're in a process of reestablishing that [culture]. It's a smaller conference, it's consistent and it just takes a few years to develop those rivalries. With FOX covering the games nationally, I think it will naturally happen again. In my opinion, it's one of the best conferences in the country."