I have been nominated to participate in the ice bucket challenge, as well as several other of these challenges in recent months, and I have refused them all. I have a problem with these challenges for several reasons. I feel that they are making light of a situation/disease that is very serious. To the participants, it's all a game and a form of entertainment. Let's all dump ice water on ourselves to make people more aware of ALS...But here is the problem, do you honestly think more people are more knowledgeable of the disease after this challenge? How many people are really researching and learning about this disease? Some may choose to educate themselves, but I am guessing that the majority of the participants still have no idea what ALS even is. So what's the real benefit of these challenges? Yes, they do have some monetary value to them. I believe that someone had previously posted that is had raise $2.88million so far. And I understand that every little bit helps, but in the field of medical research, that is not a lot of money at all.
Also, I think it's a little disrespectful to the individuals who suffer from Lou Gehrigs disease. The individuals and their families are affected by this each and every day of their lives.....they can't get away from it. The people who participate in this challenge dump water on their heads for like 10seconds, and then go on living their normal, everyday lives, probably never giving it another thought.
I don't want to sound like a glass half empty kind of guy, but I just don't think its right to associate a social media fad with a terrible disease that affects so many people.